The Dark Tower - Review

Nov 10, 2012 22:04

So sill scratching my head and wondering what the hell happened during that episode. It started so well and looked promising but as soon as the boys reached the tower of doom it all went to hell. Can't help thinking it was rushed and too much was crammed into the last 10 mins or cut altogether, for instance, our heros escaping the tower and a reaction to the death of a comrade/friend/brother!

There is no other way of saying that Elyan's death fell flat. Considering we were told and shown that nothing in tower was real and played on your worst fears, I assumed Elyan hadn't really died or that Gwen wasn't real and he died for nothing. And then to have bare minimum reaction from the rest of the gang we have to assume that Morgana just let them leave - just like that?!

I did like the twist that Gwen is now on Morgana's side although I guess that must be temporary. Hopefully this means more Merthur for us! And on that note - what the hell was the juicy bit of Merthur we were promised all week? The handshake in the bedroom? Fail in the slash department guys!

merlin review

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