Jun 13, 2004 19:23
The cycle continues, and my defenses grow weaker by the day. Perhaps it's old age settling in these bones, but I'm losing the energy for the incessant battles. Hearing his voice makes it no easier. To love and be love shouldn't be a heinous crime, yet I make it one. I force myself to suffer for our injustices to one another. However, if suffering is what we need, there are plenty of ways to do this whilst together that are equally as intense. Why I did not figure this out earlier, I can't be sure. Everything in due time.
I ask him to tell me what he wants, but he thinks I should already know. I expect him to understand my unfaltering love, yet feel no need to verbalize it. It's no wonder why an ocean separates us and he's playing cat and mouse with his drooling, little puppy dog and I lavish all of my affections on the girl who can do no wrong in my eyes.
Typically, by now I would have trolled the bars, taking advantage of dimly lit hallways and communal loos. Yet I can't seem to bring myself to share my art of destruction with anyone else as they would be vilely unappreciative.
After much thought, I determined a peace offering was in order; the offer of the most solemn of pledges. So I have mailed him a gold, diamond encrusted ring.
A cock ring, of course.