Jun 06, 2005 10:01
i'm going through a state of depression to turn in my laptop. the question is, what will i do without my laptop? the answer is nothing...no games, no emails, no distractions. will i actually have to pay attention in class these next 4 days?...that is not happening. no. no no no no. =/ no? im in photo right now and my laptop is even distracting me from mean girls. thats a quality movie and id rather be on my laptop. what will i do at night when i want to be on aim in my bed, no i will have to be sitting in a chair on my home computer thats all messed up and has 39294232798 viruses. anyway, after 5th period this day is going to be a drag. no more laptop. especially 8th period study hall, i can not even imagine. my hand hurts, a lot...who knows why. and im bored. and hungry. and i just want to go home. i cant wait to go home. this weekend was good times and next weekend everyone is going to be homo and not go out because they are going to claim they have to study for finals but um...honestly who does that on a weekend night? just don't. save it for sunday. k well thats about all i have to say. peaceeee