Utter Randomness..

Mar 13, 2008 00:00

Well, I have determined over the past month or so that I am completely my sign, Sagitarrius. While in my chart I have Pisces (Father), Libra (Mother), and Scorpio..(wtf?) I am very much my own sign. I love companionship, animal and human. While I do hate my job at Arby's, it is one of the few times I get to be social. I love to tell stories and I love watching people. However, while I do love companionship of the human kind...the romantic, the dramatic, I have such a short tolerance for. It seems I cannot stand to be around anyone who lusts after me, or loves me for more than three days. I become annoyed, and if they do not get my blunt statement of, "Get out, you are getting on my nerves" I tend to pick angry, nasty fights and blowouts which result in weeks if not months of silence. Which is just fine with me because I wanted them to go away anyway. Hence the dreaded Sagittarius "foot in mouth" disease. I love to be outside, especially with the dogs. As if I had not stated it many many times before, I think more primal than anyone I know, and I highly see myself and others in "my circle" as a wolf pack. I am what I am, a leader by nature, and so those people I adopt, whether they need it or not get my affection, my protection, my caring. I have astounded more than one person with my philosophy about my pack. I am selective in who I sleep with, but sex for me is an expression of love, of affection. I can love someone, and want to express my affection, but not be in love with them. (This is where I get called a cold hearted bitch because I do not want a relationship. Oh well I suppose.)

Lately I have been feeling very flirty, even though I do not know how to flirt exactly..I get accused of it more frequently, even when I am actually trying to just be friendly. I am quite pleased with myself I cannot lie. School is going well even though I am stressed. I get 2 weeks off for FCAT so I have time to do my lesson plans, and then I spend one week back in the classroom, teaching all three lesson plans, and then I get two more weeks off for Springbreak. One more week and I am done with practicum, and I can focus on other more important classes. Also, I have made the Dean's Honor List over over a year and a half straight now. ^-^ If I stay on track, pass all the certification tests I think I have four more classes and I will graduate in December of 2008, with a Dual Major Degree, Special Education/Elementary Education, certified to teach in Florida. It excites and scares me. I know I will probably need time off after school due to burn out. I KNOW it. But it will be over and thats what counts.

Got my 4 gig MP3 player back, have been adding music to it like a fiend. Much much happiness ensued...

Watching the cutest thing I have ever seen, Max sleeping all curled up, with her little pup lips curled into a smile as she rests on me while I type, and in turn Trooper rests on her while he sleeps and Alexis turns her head to quietly look at me since she is on my pillow anyway...(I swear we are one pack here)

Since I am so bored during my time in the classroom during FCAT, I have started writing a small novel, already up two twenty pages..(XD Go me) and I don't usually bother to write short stories or anything, mostly poetry.

Cleaned, did an altar dedication and tool purification/blessing/empowerment. Feel good, energized but not so much that I cannot sleep.

Re-organized my bookshelf...sucking down a powerade as we speak to stay hydrated..

I also got crazy with my hot glue gun and made about 13 hair flowers attached to bobby pins, red and white, been giving them to people who need some sunshine in their day. Took new pictures of myself and my new haircut. XD Now I think its time for sleep.
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