Sep 24, 2007 22:30
the first day working downtown today was pretty good. my boss is super friendly AND she's not there every day of the week! the person i share the room with was an old coworker of mine and i already knew we'd mesh well. i was so happy to see that i'm going to be sharing the office with her. SCORE!
maybe i should've written an entry sooner cuz i now have to sleep much earlier than before due to commuting.. but instead of discarding this entry i'll write a quick summary of the day.
a few main things stood out of today's adventure...
1. keyscan cards are cool!
be careful with snapping the stringgy thinggy... it may eventually break (but thankfully, mine didn't hehe..yet!). the green light may not always go on, but a person with the key must be persistent in pushing or pulling the door!!! (grr @ locked doors).
2. no music policy
i was told that we can't play music. they just don't do that there. uhm. what? i'll have to figure out a way to tune out the humming sound of the a/c, the flickering sound of the fluorescent lights, and the ongoing beeping sounds of the keyscan cards... i think i can deal with those. i'll just hum really loudly. ahahahah!!!! oh and on top of this, there's no signal in the office. grr. i just got some late messages and it sucks cuz i dunno what time they got sent.. or if i missed any more messages? bahhhh. i'm so disconnected!!!!!!
3. big mouse in the house
the person who worked at the station i'm working at uses this big-ish mouse. okay, it's not big but.. it's bigger than what i'm used to. it's wireless, which is great but it has too many buttons and i don't know what to do with them! not only that, it's a bit hard to move the mouse... er.. i don't know the english word but it's like it's stuck? anyway, the good thing is, we can apparently order any office supply we need through this catalog... the stuff goes out of the budget so we can't go crazy (darn. ha!) but i don't think i'll use it on a mouse.. i'll see how the rest of the week goes with the one i'm using... oh, and it's a kensington. i dunno if that matters but its logo is printed pretty large on it...
4. dress-code
women must wear pants or skirts no shorter than a few inches from the knees. something like that. what about capris? gauchos? great. now i have to buy more work bottoms... i guess this is my chance to buy more skirts!!! which can be a good thing.. but no money yet soooo i'm gonna hold off on those. ooh, and fridays are casual so we can wear jeans. wahoo!!!! but they say to bring a blazer or something in case a client comes all decked out and you're in jeans. i guess that makes sense. but ughhh i loveeee jeansssss. >.< i'm so un-corporate in that sense. the hardware store drilled some jeans 'n tee workwear in me for 4 years after all!
5. starbucks machine
woooooo!!! our floor has a starbucks machine. and i can get coffee free! it's silver and shiny and just beautiful. i can't wait to bring my mug and drink coffee/cocoa every day!!!!! you can choose between a mild colombia coffee or a bold verona i think it was... those and cocoa. sure the drink doesn't pour out straight from the dispenser thinggy and makes a lot of mess... but that's okay.. still yummy!!!! :D they also have some soup and granola bars for free. wow. i feel like i'm going to gain more weight here... the building's pretty sweet. one of the floors has a patio too... i haven't gone there yet but in due time ;) oh and conveniently just across the street is the waterfront foodcourt which has tim horton's. too awesome... :)
ok, that's the list for now! i've got an early day again tomorrow. so i gotta go sleep now. poooooey. i'll write more next time!!! :)
suits and hardhats,