This weekend didn't turn out exactly how it should have.
We got up to Stafford around 9 something and the party was already had a ton of people there. Girls dresssed up in the normal slutty costumes -- nurses, witches, and bunnies, oh my.
Carl's friend Jeff was so drunk right after we go there, he was going around telling people to cut off his ear for 65 dollars. =/ He was stubling around like a sloppy drunk. After a couple of rounds of beer pong -- Our DD decided she wanted to go ahead and take everyone back to Jeff's house. (She was 38 -- looked 25, and her 15 year old daughter was partying with us).
So 10 people packed into this little ass mini van and we made the voyage to Jeff's house. Of course we had to stop for alcohol, so at 11:58, Sedric, Carl and Tim go running into a grocery store in attempt to get some beer.
Things happend at the house when we get there. Jeff's girl was getting in trouble for hitting on some other dude or something. I'm not exactly sure what was going on. Tim's girl (our DD), announced to everyone she was pregnant. Carl got pretty drunk.... and broke my camera. :( yes. now i has no working digital camera. :( Well I mean it takes photos, but the flash no longer works. >=/
On Saturday, Jeff took his mini bikes over to where the party was at. Jeff was so drunk that Carl was sending me photos while they were riding of Jeff falling all over the place. Well apparently Jeff took a nasty fall. Stood up, Looked at Carl and fell back down into mudd. So we had to take a car back on the trail to get him and I had to drive one of the mini bikes back to the house... and let me just tell you. I suck at riding a mini bike. Like hardcore.
Here's some photos -- of what I have. Some of these photos took place after the time period my camera broke. :(
Sedrics side, Tim and our DD's 15 year old daughter
Drunk Carl and Jeff. hehe
I did get kinda pissed when I saw Carl talking to some random ass girl on a bunny costume. =/ I'm one jealous son' of a bitch.