Snowflake Challenge - Day 4

Jan 04, 2015 09:40

Day Four

Comment to someone you haven't ever interacted with before or introduce yourself to someone you've interacted with and friend/follow them. Afterwards, leave a comment in this post with the equivalent of "I did it!"

It doesn't have to be anything complex - it can be feedback for a fanwork or discussing something you might have in common or even simply admiring their icon. The point is to reach out to someone you normally wouldn't and connect with them, even if it's only for the briefest moment.

Did this one kind of accidentally! I never really wanted to be one of those readers who sticks to her friends and doesn't take time for anyone else's stories, but when I started working full time, something had to give. Unless it's complete and I can add it to my review list or the author sends me some glowing feedback and makes me feel guilty, I rarely take the time to read something from a "new" author.

Well, I did today! And I commented on it, too. oceaneyez86, I adored the first Seven Deadly Sins oneshot, and now I'm really upset that I'll be on a plane and won't get to read next week's right when it gets posted. Now I think it's time to go back and catch up on your other stories...

snowflake challenge

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