some personal thoughts about love:

Jun 18, 2015 11:45

i think that love is about growing together, pushing each other to be the best in every field, and to be independent of each other. to not have to wait on them for your schedule. love should be a better thing, not a difficult thing. i think if your man or woman is stressed out, and you know your partner, then giving them what they need to survive and thrive and move on and grow past is the best thing that you could give them. whether it is positive accolades; spontaneous motivation; space; activities that you abhor; debaucherous nights away from you & with people you don't trust; .. anything really, you give it to them, and when they surface and come back, it feels like a hurdle tackled.

i think love is really giving whatever you can give: higher vibrations; good intentions, good moves; energy and spoons; while not losing yourself. i think love is beautiful and something to be cherished. love is sacred - it really is. not many are able to experience romantic love. i won't lie, that hurts me more than the idea of another personal heartbreak - the idea that romantic love is not for everybody, the idea that romantic love is not achieved in relationships.

i think love is such a beautiful thing, really. but so many wallow in its own surface, not too deep in the end, always keeping a huge part of their own heart as their own. love are selfless acts given from a selfish heart. how do you love completely, so thoroughly, if you cannot give up yourself so completely? how do you love yourself so completely that you put yourself first?

for me, spending time with myself is the best love i can give me. everything i do with a loved one, i do for myself. i give that to myself. my own energy, even as dark as they can be at times, wild and spontaneous, loves that i can trust to be with myself, just completely alone by myself.

it is crazy. it stings still, when i read lines about a player. it does feel like i was played. but i hold no bitterness toward anything. i look forward toward the next chapter, i really do. i have structure again coming up in four scant days, for which i am unbelievably excited for. i love that i am taking one step forward each in every thing i do. each and every day, i am stronger, strong enough to attend to the gym. strong enough to stop eating so crazy. well, not really, but healthier in its own crazy way.

i think love is amazing. i really do.
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