May 09, 2009 00:05
A leading London teaching hospital, the Royal Hope stands on the south side of the Thames Embankment within sight of the House of Parliament. It was at the centre of an extraordinary news story when the hospital vanished at 12.20pm, in the midst of a thunderstorm, leaving only a huge crater. Sixty-three minutes later, the Royal Hope reappeared, its staff and patients all telling police and reporters the same story -- that the whole hospital had been transported to the moon by alien space police, who had catalogued them all and then left.
Guide to the Royal Hope Hospital
♦ Level G: Foyer, reception, little shop
♦ Level 1: Cafe, paediatric cardiac surgery, paediatric therapies, paediatric wards, pharmacy, special care baby unit, treatment rooms
♦ Level 2: Academic department, paediatric medical day unit, parents' accomodation
♦ Level 3: Blood banks
♦ Level 4: Cardiac catheter lab 1, mortuary, operating theatres, pathology wards, recovery room, rheumatology wards, X-ray department, theatre staff changing rooms
♦ Level 5: Consultants' offices 1, MRI room 1
♦ Level 6: Breast clinic outpatients unit, breast screening unit, delivery suites, female wards, orthopaedic department, recovery room, seminar rooms
♦ Level 7: Cardiac catheter lab 2, cardiovascular research, coloscopy, consultants' offices 2, intensive care unit, male wards, MRI room 2, obstetrics theatre, outpatients department, patients' lounge, staff kitchen, staff locker room, smoking area [balcony], treatment rooms, ward stores
martha jones,
for: taughtmedicine