what is going on here???

Oct 17, 2006 20:38

oh, life. you work in such mysterious ways.

i decided to put up a little update since its been a while. so here goes:

first of all, i've been finding lots of grey hairs lately. ok, i'm not SO vain (yes...i am), but c'mon...i'm freaking 21 years old. i've literally pulled out about 25 grey hairs in the past two weeks. what does this mean? AHH! i still feel so young. but...my dad was completely grey by the time he was mid-thirties. i haven't got much time left. scary.

school has been going very well this semester. i absolutely love my sociology classes. however, my philosphy and religion class is making me want to stab. its slow and redundant and had so much potential to be an interesting/enlightening class. its very dumbed down...but i guess thats what i get for taking a 105 class. boooo. back to sociology! so i turned in my first paper of the semester: a literature review which went into detail about the survey research i'm about to conduct (which means some of you will be recieving questionaires very soon by the way). anyway, i had to talk about the literature i'm using to back up my research, and i had to discuss my hypothyses and my goals for the final project. i bullshitted that one out in about 3 hours. 3 very high hours. anyway, so as she's passing them out today she goes into the ol' "you guys did well, the average was a b, there were a few c's but not too many, there were a couple of 100%s...in fact one of you wrote the best lit review i've read since i've taught this class and i've been teaching it for over a decade blah blah blah". so i'm thinking "yeah yeah i probably got a freaking C, while some kiss ass put in all their time and energy into this crap...what a schmuck." i get the paper back and hesitantly turn to the last page to see (get this): "100%! Very good job, Keri! This is one of the best papers I've read! Can I make copies to show future classes?" Holy shit, lady. You must have some freaking TARDS in this class. what a joke. this is supposed to be an upper division class! shit like that makes me hate school. why do I always get away with bullshit? makes me wonder what would happen if i actually applied myself. ha. this education system is a JOKE. i still can't believe i'm only one semester away from having a degree. what. the. fuck.

anyway, this weekend was bass derby. as much as every rio vistan talks it down...you know you guys love that shit. if you didn't, you wouldn't be there...and pretty much EVERYONE goes. i apologize to anyone that saw me make a drunken ass of myself. i'm not even sure if i did...but there are a few blackout periods that i can't account for...and a few conversations that i'm told i should remember but don't. watching bordello reunite was bittersweet; i love those songs and i wish aaron was still around so they could take it seriously. bummer. i didn't get to see certain people as much as i would have liked...so it goes. friday i was drunk by 6:30. saturday i had to start early to combat the hangover. sunday was just painful...but at i got to have dinner with a cute boy when i got back home to the city. :)

work is going kinda crazy. my boss is a creep and i dont get enough hours...but shit the tips make up for it. as maya says, "this place is the clitoris of the food service industry." i think i need to start looking into something else though. maybe i could get a job next door at the cajun place...but the idea of serving alligator fajitas all night kind of weirds me out.

i havent had any time for my friends lately, which doesn't make any sense since i'm single now. now i'm sick so i'm staying inside all week, but at least i'll see them for our weekly tv rituals. project runway finale tomorrow night!

the travel bug bit me HARD this summer. now i want to go EVERYWHERE. hopefully i can save up enough to get out a bit after graduation. my immediate travel goals are 1) save up enough to visit colie during her semester in south africa, 2) save even more for a european tour with a couple true-blues this summer. i'm gonna make it happen...as much as my mother tells me i'm not.

so thats what new with me. in case you were wondering.
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