Jan 13, 2007 10:55
So I go to cash my check yesterday and check out next week's schedual, hoping that I don't work this Monday. But no, I don't work Monday. Because I'm not working at all next week. AGAIN. Great >_> I might end up looking for a new job if the week after doesn't improve.
I think last night my braces cut my lip so much that it callisted (sp) over. Doesn't hurt that bad, but it's reaaally swollen.
Stayed over at a friend's house last night. Went through...*attemps to remember*...like, 3 bowlpacks, 2 or 3 joints (not quite sure...), and one grape flavored blunt. ...Wow. What a fucked up night. Fucked up being a good thing.
I know some might judge me for this..but it wasn't like a party or anything. I don't do parties. Just me and my friends chilling. I'm also totally out of the $25 I brought with me last night. Btw, my paycheck was $103. I have $70 at home to last me the next 3 effing weeks. Let's see how well I can do it -_-
Nate's supposed to stay tonight. There goes another $5 towards one more...thing. I'll be fine :3