
Mar 20, 2004 23:06

im fucking tired but not sleepy....i have $465 dollars i've made in the past week not counting the $40 that jon still owes me. grrrrrrrr im bored and no one is online so i took some quizzes...they better fuckin work!!!!

You are Speed!

So what if your face looks like a before photo for Proactiv?

You've got the juice to stay up and screw all night long.

But with skin like yours, the only action you'll get is a frenzied cleaning spree.

What Drug Are You?

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hahaha this one is funny

You Are a Like Breasts!

No matter if you're a guy or a girl.

You are sexy and confident!

You are level headed and "up" for anything.

Everyone feels your "perkiness"...

And your open attitude about sex and your own sexuality.

You are a total superstar.

A dying breed who's love for sex and intimate play are extremely rare.

Your warm nature is a comfort to most - and a pleasure to all.

What Body Part Are You Most Like?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

this one is weird..

You Are Boycut Panties!

Original, funky, and stylish.

You set your own trends.

What's Kind of Panties Are *You*?

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ugh..well i guess i'm goin to bed. maybe watch some TV...LIFETIME BABY!! OH YEAH
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