Nov 19, 2009 21:35
I hate people. I have said these very words before, but how true they are. We are members at the Columbus Zoo, and tonight was the members only premiere of the wild lights display for xmas. We decided for shits & giggles to go. It's chilly out, but not cold, drizzly, but not raining, so we figured it wouldn't be HORRIDLY busy cuz most people would be like, OMG, it's cold and raining. AHHH!!!! THE HORROR!! How wrong we were. Stupid people. Breeder type people who don't know how they got that way probably, ya know? The type of people who have 2 or more double strollers who are in the lead of a group of people then stop for no apparent reason...Those same type people who probably do that same thing on a highway then wonder why they get rear ended. Yeah, brains out the rear end, they got! And why is it when you are walking at a nice leisurely pace (aka SLOW) they have to run? Yeah, I'm a short fat girl. I'm getting a bum knee. I don't run. I don't walk quickly, I don't do a whole lot quickly.... but I'll be damned if someone is gonna make me walk at a pace that is not comfortable to me when I want to soak in some atmosphere. Look at some xmas lights. Look at some reindeer or try to find some damn zen in the aquarium. Grrrr..... I had had it so badly when we made it to the car, I was taking off a layer of sweatshirt, it had gotten stuck, I had a mini panic attack and then lost it. I held it all together good til that point. I even was impressed Steve didn't lose it with me. He laughed, as I would have done if the roll was reversed, I jumped out of the car, ripped off that damn sweatshirt, got back in the car and sobbed. I apologized to Steve and Rory for the stupid people. lol I said I was sorry, I couldn't help it if they were attracted to my brains. :) All is better except for Rory's attitude right now, but I know, she's tired.... it's the age... etc.
OK.... I am downing my coke then game time :)