Great. That makes TWO anime fandoms that I've been sucked back into now. So anyway, the lowdown ...
Pairing: Roy/Ed
Rating: Er ... PG-15? Come on, it's just a deep kiss, anything else that's going on is subjective ... ;)
Disclaimer: Oh, please.
Anything else: IT'S SKETCHY. SKETCHY TO THE EXTREME. Don't say I didn't warn you about that.
Show me now! )
~ Blessed are the meticulous in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of betas.
~ Blessed are they that inquire: for they shall be aided and enlightened.
~ Blessed are the crack dealers: for they hold the key to enlightenment, and shall deliver it unto the inquiring whenever they see fit, oftentimes even against the will of said inquirers. -- Delivered in offering to the Great Text by pyro_o, Disciple of the Eleventh Commandment
~ Blessed are the dedicated: for they shall inherit the editorship of this Bible.
~ Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after grammatical correctness: for they shall be [mostly] satisfied.
~ Blessed are the articulate; for they shall obtain understanding.
~ Blessed are the clear in mind: for they shall see the point before everyone else does.
~ Blessed are the ficwriters and fanartists: for they shall be called the illegitimate children of Creativity and Crack.
~ Blessed are they which are persecuted for the sake of following the myriad and often contradictory rules of the English language: for theirs is the kingdom of wisdom, if not common sense.
One shalt not use "you" when one means "one."
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