Fictional Yunjae fanart (my little pet project, complete at last)

Apr 03, 2007 21:56

I figure, if I'm going to make my [however brief] return to LJ worthwhile, I really ought to contribute something good. ^-^; So here it is, the best I've currently got. -- I think.

I sincerely hope they're recognizable, at least a little. I used the following magazine shoot as a loose reference:

Artist's notes: I tried to stay accurate (or as accurate as the semi-anime style would permit) to Yunho's and Jaejoong's actual physical features, facial structures, etc. -- but I'd have to say that's the only thing I did stay accurate to. Other than that, I was simply going for a fantasy setting that looked vaguely Asian. Thus, although Yunho and Jaejoong are very much as South Korean as ever they were, Yunho's garb looks vaguely Chinese, Jaejoong's robe looks vaguely Japanese, and their hairstyles look vaguely impossible (or at least, Jaejoong's does, what with the superfluously dangling but aesthetically agreeable hair ribbon and all; and as for Yunho, is that a nonexistent and selective breeze I spy?). I pray no one minds too much; just in case, I threw in the pretty colors to keep people happy and distracted.

Dani, over and out ~

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