Title: What a Ride
Author: tigerlady
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Notes: For
1001 Places Remus and Sirius Defiled Hogwarts in Many Interesting and Complicated Ways challenge.
Right now Remus can't remember whose idea it was, though it surely had to be Sirius'. But his pale eyes are black above Remus, almost as black as the open emptiness of Hogwarts beyond, and Remus can't tell if it's arousal or apprehension he reads in their depths. He reaches out, brushes his thumb across those full lips, and gets a nip in return.
Then Sirius moves, fucking himself on Remus' cock, and nothing else matters. Not the cold, hard steps digging into his back, not the suffocating drape of James' cloak around them. It's hot and slow and sweet, everything that's the best about the two of them together.
"Just like that," he whispers, and Sirius leans down to kiss him, a quick, messy snog that makes his heart speed as much as the brush of Sirius' cock against his stomach. They're starting to move faster now, just enough to push away the world around him, and so he's not prepared for the surge of adrenalin when the staircase starts to move.
Sirius pauses, his legs and arms clenching around Remus. "Don't you dare let go," he says, and then starts moving again.
It's wild and fast, Sirius moving against him like a madman while the air whistles across the stone. He wants to reassure Sirius, let him know that he'd never let Sirius fall, but all he can do is pant and hang on.
He comes when the staircase clicks home with a thunk.
Sirius laughs, and Remus groans as the feeling is transmitted all the way to his cock.
"What a ride," he says, and Remus has to agree.