Feb 02, 2008 20:04
Yes, it's a Saturday night and I'm home with the cats for company. But I woke up with horrible dizzy spins this morning and my stomach has just now uncramped enough that I can breathe comfortably, so please excuse me for being a big blob on the couch. ;)
Here's the thing. I've just finished up one big project, and I've told myself I can't put serious effort forth on my next have-to until Monday. (See Michelle play psychological games with herself.) So I'm a little lost for what to work on right now. I have tons and tons of ideas on the list, but most of them require extensive plotting, or the writing of porn. Or both. And I'm not in the mood to write either one of those things right now.
So. If you're interested, give me a fandom/character/pairing/idea, and I'll write something more than 100 words, but less than 1000. I might only get to one of these, but I'll make my best effort to do more. And please don't expect porn.
I'll do:
SGA John/Rodney, Lorne in combo with John/Rodney, Teyla in most any combination
NCIS Tony/Tim, Tony/Abby, Tim/Abby, Tony/Tim/Abby
Chuck Chuck/Bryce, possibly other combinations
Firefly Mal/Simon, Mal/Jayne, Simon/Inara, Jayne/Inara, Jayne/Zoe, possibly others (but no Jayne/Simon, Simon/Kaylee, or Mal/Inara)
Live Free or Die Hard Matt/John, Lucy
Possibly others--check my interest list to see if I'm into it. :)