Writing crazies (if you have a cat, and you write, you may understand that phrase)

Nov 04, 2007 16:39

Does anyone else have ficathon disease? You know, when you see a notice of a ficathon, and you immediately go "ooh! I could do that!" Even if you haven't written, say, Buffy, in four years and don't even read in the fandom anymore and only have a third of the canon? SeSa season is so trying on my self-restraint. There's so many of them! There's so much glee! So much opportunity to stretch! So many rare fandoms/pairings!

So much opportunity to send oneself into a constant state of anxiety and self-loathing!

Luckily, I have held myself back so far this year. Yuletide is my only SeSa, then I have a story to write for my Sweet Charity bidder and a Back To Basics story to finish. And I'm doing well: Yuletide is drafted, Sweet Charity is started, and B2B is up to 1200 words (and it only had to be 1000 anyway). This is good, except now the little voices are starting to say "you could offer to pinch hit. Maybe sga_santa? It's always fun to write John/Teyla for someone who appreciates them. Come on, no one will know. Just one." Gah. Evil, evil brain.

Is there a rehab program for this?

(This post, btw, would be a procrastination-from-writing post.)
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