this journal's semi friends-locked! if we've ever interacted together in any comms/journals/challenges, i'll probably add back, but please comment here or somewhere else, letting me know (why) you're adding me, otherwise i might not since i'll be a bit confused!
any fandom-related things will be public, lest they break any laws!
THIS JOURNAL IS NO LONGER ACTIVE but you can find me elsewhere! I'm
@oh_cheese on Twitter,
cheesetiel on Tumblr, and
cheese on AO3.
ALSO: Anyone is welcome to podfic, remix, translate, do art/fanmixes/crochet etc for any of my fan fiction for any reason. BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: credit me, link to the original work, and link me to whatever you did so that I can shout about your awesomeness from the rooftops. ♥