Aug 28, 2005 22:50
im such a survey whore. i love these things. but i need something to do while everyone enters my room and has their jam session. and i cant hear or move. so this is perfect.
Name: shanna marie alder
Age: 45
DOB: october 13
Weight: 127
Hair: black mostly with some blonde. short
Eyes: blue
Hot or Cute: someone in the elevator today said i was very cute. so lets say that if i have to pick. i hate the word hot.
Outgoing or Shy: shy at first i think. but ridiculously outgoing and random.
How many siblings do you have? 2
How old are they and what are their names?: they are 15, going on 3 .. megan and travis
Who do you live with?: in colleGE
How old are your parents?: 37 and 67
What are their names?: theyre really not that old, only 37 and 40 omieffingod
Did you have a good childhood?: yes
Whats your best childhood memory?: getting hit by a car
Whats your worst childhood memory?: not actually getting hit by a car
Do you love your family?: more than anything
Who’s your favorite family member?: brother
Who in your family has always been there for you?: without a doubt even when i roll in around 3 drunk and pregnant
Food: watermelon, chinese, mozzerella sticks, sunchipchips, honey mustard sauce and anything, birdfood
Drink: um h20 fruitish, creme soda, orange soda, strawberry daqs
Alcoholic Drink: kalua
Drug: X haha
Candy: skittles, chocolate covered pretzels
CD: any good mix
Song: handshake drugs-wilco
Channel: i barely watch the tube nowadays
Radio Station: it was 99.1 hfs then it was taken over.
Band/Singer: too many to mention
Fragrance: axe is so good, mambo, ralph lauren romance
Make Up Company: estee lauder or lancome' both work well
Clothing Brand: the racks at goodwill just suit me fine
Clothing Store: street corner ghetto ass poppin kind
Movie: blacksheep, donnie darko, dazed and confused, mystery science theater 3000, ghostbusters... and this one movie.. im probably crazy but it was where everything was a pillow and soft and there was an evil witch who had this peach that made you everlasting and the girl wanted it for her grandmother to live... it comes back in pieces and oh boy i miss it.
Show: mystery science theater 3000!!!!! aquateen, space ghost coast to coast, old nick shows, archie bunkers place, reno 911
Place to Go on Vacation: in my backyard in a tent
Place to Go on the Weekend: candyland
Amusement Park: six flags i suppose
Animal: cat or small dog
Season: falll
Day of the Week: who cares
Month: october
Who is your best girl friend?: abbie, mandi and anna
Who is your best guy friend?: seth benjamin steven .. drew.. mike.. i do not like to leave people out here
Who have you been friends with the longest?: anna
How long were you best friends with your current best friend?: i was poledancing at phatrabbitz when we met and basically, um, all my attention was on jermoine so... haha
Who do you hang out with the most?: all of the above
Who do you want to be friends with for the rest of your life?: everyone
Have you ever done anything sexual with a close friend?: unfortunately
Have you ever lost a close friend because of something stupid?: yes, yes, yes ,yes, yes.. continue
Who is the..
Craziest?: Steven
Loudest?: Ben
Smartest?: Anna and Cherish Jeff
Funniest?: Ben Xaq Dicks
Biggest druggy?: Robert
Biggest alcoholic?: Abbie
Silliest?: me silly
Sexiest?: definitley my new muscles
Prettiest?: angela naturally
Hottest?: i hate this, no refuse to
Most fun to be with?: all of them are different
Are you a virgin?: no
How many times did you have sex?: i dont remember jking
With who?: we all know this
Do you regret any of it?: no i do not
Do you like sex?: of course
Whats your favorite position?: haha
Do you like getting/giving blowjobs?: what in the fuck. again what in the fuck. this is raunchy
Do you like getting fingered/fingering?: this is embarrassing. stop.
Do you like getting/giving handjobs?: yea of course, line up outside my door.. hahah W tee f
Whats your most memorable sexual experience?: haha i am sorry to get personal here. i am not usually outwardly sexual however this is just funny and i must tell.
all i will say is meow. now everyone can laugh who knows what story i tell.
Do you watch porn?: have. but just because it is hulllarious.
How many people have you made out with?: 27, jking b. dicks has that title
Smoked cigarettes?: no
Smoked weed?: yes
Smoked crack?: only with grandpop
Did heroin or coke?:nope
Popped pills?: only with matthew schueler
Cut yourself?: remember across the street not down the lane jking
Drank?: like a pretty little motherfucker
Got in a fist fight?: only with my brother
Cried for hours?: yes.. sigh.
Ran away from home?: that is way oldschool. and yes. to the treehouse in my frontyard until my mom so nonchalantly yelled ' i am calling the police' and i crawled back down and slipped into the front door shortly after to my room.
Stayed on the phone for more than 5 hours?: yes. oh i love the first 2 weeks of relationships. even if i am phone retarded
Been in jail?: negatove
Gotten a hickey?: was just brought to my attention how much surveys target people to look like whores. damnit. this is innocent.
Slept outside?: any opportunity
Lied to a good friend?: only to her benefit
Water/Soda: water
Radio/TV: radio
DVD/VHS: dvd
Mall/Movies: movies with someone special .. but movies at home... not in the actual movies...
Prep/Skater: somewhere inbetween
Cigarettes/Weed: weed.. jesus this sounds way ghetto.
Beer/Liquor: liquor. yes i am a girl
Fruit/Veggies: no picking favourites here
Chocolate/Vanilla: vanillla
Icecream/Water Ice: pumpkin ice cream
Football/Basketball: football
Who do you miss more than anyone and why?: all my friends and family at home because they are amazing in so many ways.
How often do you brush your teeth?: too much. literally like 5 times a day. i carry a toothbrush on me.
Do you have your own phone line?: no
Do you have a cell phone?: yessss.... 412 867 5680 so call me baby
Do you have any pets?: so many
Have you ever dry humped?: a couple things. like annas couch.
Have you ever passed out cuz you were so drunk?: haha yes.. yess.
Have you ever told someone how you felt about them?: ooo yes. im too emotional for my own good. through letters and emails and calls and crying and laughing and all of the above. yessss i am a good girlfriend. committed, um yes. and attached um, yes.
What do you think of love?: it scares the hell out of me... i am very hard to figure out i suppose. i turn away alot of people just because i am afraid of getting my heart broke again. and again. and again. if you are never in love then you have nothing to lose.
Are you in a relationship now?: nope
Would you like to be:? i think about it alot. i am happy single. i guess i am just waiting for a good opportunity.