Nov 25, 2004 22:33
so this past year has been pretty crazy, and has had its up's a down's but im grateful for the good times i've had.
so here it goes: (( the three main people ))
thank you michi-thank you for bowling, laser quest, getting lost, cool vintage stores, cool bands, the beach, finding something to do when there clearly isnt anything to do, for letting me vent to you, for being there for me, helping me get through high school, and whale tattoo's..
thank you george-thank you for being the first person i have ever really fallen in love with, thank you for being my shoulder to cry on, for being my best friend, thank you for 2 am parking lot make-out sessions, thank you for understanding, thank you for putting up with me, thank you for fireworks and a stary night on the beach, for frogs and the drive in, for prom, for graduation night, for concerts, for singing me the song that makes me laugh when im kinda down, thank you for a second chance and a new begining.
thank you mario-even though your now not the person i knew, you have contributed to some of the best times i have ever had. at one time you were the best person i have ever known and you helped me through one of the hardest times of my life so to you i owe a thousand thank you's.
there is everything else i am thankful for, but writing it all down isnt really nessacary. i'm pretty happy with my life and i love and appreciate the people and things that make it that way, and i think thats all that matters.