The Book of Beginnings and Endings

Jun 21, 2008 16:32

 I have divorced myself from the Heights (and all the shit that happened up here) and am moving to Brooklyn.  I am throwing out almost all my belongings.  I am not taking the emotional/physical baggage that I associate with this experience here with me to my future home.

The place looks really cool.  Perhaps I'll post some photos of it.  Also, there are 5 cats living there.  Meoooooow.

In other news, Jenny Boully's book of essays The Book of Beginnings and Endings just found its way into my mailbox and I am thrilled.  I have been watching too many movies and, although I am in the middle of Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin, I feel I need something that challenges me more with language.  Also, I am looking for some interesting work in German, so if there are any suggestions out there, throw them towards me please!

And did I tell you that I'm beginning to pick up bits and pieces of French?  I am surrounded by French all day long and I think my brain is starting to do what it does when it's immersed in another system of language.  I feel like a sponge, but I don't know what I'm absorbing.  I have no way of deciphering the actual words themselves, but I can hear how they're spoken and pretty much get a good sense of the context.

I don't feel like writing in this journal anymore sadly.  For some reason it seems so self-important to blog about oneself and one's life.  I guess I'm starting to shy away from this type of thing.  At the beginning, I was so curious about other people's lives, reading about them, feeling all the part of the voyeur into other's worlds, but now I just feel like I am talking about myself to myself and I find that obnoxious.  I don't know when I'll be back to write more.  Maybe I'll change my mind soon, maybe it's just a mood I'm going through, but maybe it's not and I may not come back to write about anything (at least about myself).

OH AND:  For the first time since I was a child, I saw fireflies.  I was walking through the Columbia University campus on my way to a birthday party in the math department and as I was walking through a grassy area, I saw them and I felt overwhelmed with happiness.  It made me remember how happy and curious I was as a child.

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