Apr 14, 2008 19:20
Alrighty, I guess I should start with the fact that I did a full 90 minute Bikram (HOT!) yoga session this weekend and loved it! That being said, I think the stretching did something to the old surgery I had and I'm going to have to seek some medical advice about this before I start going several times a week. But I really did enjoy it!
Also, yesterday evening I decided to go out and buy some groceries. So I went out looking like a total slob, hair completely umkempt and I put wellies on even though it wasn't raining because I didn't want to get my slacks dirty on the disgusting NYC sidewalks. Of course, the one time I am in the grocery store and some young, hot guy comes over to me and charmingly asks me whether bouillioun is actually the same thing as stock (he's from England (Winchester to be exact and he coaches track - so just imagine that he's tall, smiles alot, has nice teeth, and overall looks really hot in a buff sporty way, also he talks to himself under his breath which is the first thing I noted about him before he came over to ask me about the bouillioun) and then we chat about other things (way more than the weather) and then part ways. Anyway, I looked terrible but felt like a million dollars after chatting with this guy. Just what the MD ordered (well, I would have also liked a prescription for hot, wild sex with this guy, but I wasn't able to procure that order this time).
There is a French guy living with us for the month, while my roommate is on tour.
One more thing before I end this journal session. My play for The Ontological-Hysteric Theater's Tiny Theater festival will play at the Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn the weekend of May 22nd-24th. I'll post more in a few weeks.