ok so even after the taxpayers bailing out all these financial firms
they might CRASH ANYWAYS>!!?! WHAAA
i hate our media for never telling us simple little details that change the entire picture
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/18/AR2008091804200.html?hpid=topnews 'Indicative on how much a slave Congress is to the financial sector, here is some truth in print, Remember, this is a BIPARTISAN ass raping of the American taxpayer.
Paulson and Bernanke did not present lawmakers with a written proposal but are expected to do so by tonight, congressional aides said.
During the meeting, one lawmaker worried aloud that Paulson was asking for “a blank check,” according to a participant. There was also a “healthy debate” about whether this action would finally stabilize the markets.
“They couldn’t answer yes to that question,” the participant said.
Fascinating. This brave ‘participant’ who would not be named, was actually expecting the Financial Overlords to provide an answer to that question! And I wonder what constitutes a “healthy debate?” Probably threats behind closed doors followed by meek acquiescence.
This was not a meeting among equals. This was Don Corleone Paulson giving Congress a deal it can’t refuse.
So there are no guarantees that the American people will pony up bazillions of our nation’s future tax receipts, the markets will eventually crash anyway, but the capitalist criminals who staged it all will have so much more money to stash in offshore accounts after the fall.
Wow. What a racket.'