Apr 17, 2005 14:29
Happy Anniversary to me....and, well Brad (of course). It's been one whole year of marriage for the two of us today. We'd planned on this cute little picnic in the mountains, by this lake, at a place called Barcis (pronounced: Bar-chis) but the weather looked pretty ominous. Fortunately for us we've got a pretty backyard...We bought this 10'x10' tent and set up a table and had a 'luxury picnic' (the luxury being we could just run inside if we needed something - and we could keep an eye on the animals in case they decided to destroy the house). Most of yesterday was spent driving, in the crappy ass weather, to the BX and Commissary to get stuff for today. After a big debate, and many walks around the Commissary, we finally settled on our version of gourmet sandwiches for our anniversary lunch. It's so weird to be 'adult' enough to want to choose the higher-quality meats, cheeses, and bread vice just slapping some pre-packaged coldcuts, American cheese, and a loaf of sliced wheatbread into the basket. Brad, of course, made his famous seasoned potatoes. I also picked up some gigantic strawberries and grapes (and some confectioner's sugar and whipped cream) for desert. We also took a stab at making some Italian Raspberry Cream soda..which didn't come out too bad (tasted kind of like Big Red to me, but I'm not much of a critic for these kind of things).
The first anniversary is supposed to be celebrated with gifts of either paper or clocks...so I bought Brad two 'special' books (which he has no idea about really) and, because he such a little boy still, I got him Transworld Surfing for the XBox....which, ironically, he's currently playing some NASCAR game we picked up (to play TOGETHER) yesterday. He claims the car (an '04 VW Jetta GLi), we're getting with OUR tax-return, is my gift. *shakes head*...he won't even let me pick the color! I want it in blue, but he has to have it in the dark gray (which is the same exact color of car, and same model, his coworker has). I'm not going to get into it...
The countdown till I'm back in the States has begun! 23 days and counting! I'm not all that stoked to be leaving Brad behind (or my puppy and kitten), but I can't wait to be back in the good 'ol US of A and be with all the rest of my family. I'm also really excited to get this kid of mine out of me (he seems to be pretty happy about it too, he's kicking up a storm!). I have 2 more appointments to look forward to before I leave...it just helps to keep my focus forward...