you call me loyal, I'll hold you loyal too [locked to nonpods + Bruce & Selina]

Oct 03, 2006 18:32

This is my checklist, in no particular order, mainly pertaining to the armory retreat:

- Mathilda +1 goes to check out the armory.
- I'll check with Dr Abernathy how much money he's willing to part with for us, although there are other things I need to address with him first.
- Speaking of addressing things, Dr Abernathy and Jack have gone into the facility after a proper sample of the treatment. I need to get in touch with them ASAP.
- Does anyone have a familial connection to the Pennsylvania National Guard? (It's a stretch, I know, but worth checking)
- Mr Keating may be able to get us into the armory under the claim we're studying historical fiction. I don't have a contact number for him; someone get in touch, please?
- Dr Holland will be in touch with me soon about what equipment he has/can get that we can move somewhere, and what he'll need (Dr Abernathy's generous offer of funding comes in here).

[not open to Bruce and Selina]
As soon as we have somewhere to retreat to, or even before that if you'd like, Izzy (and Thomas Sutcliffe) have arranged weaponry (9mils, rifles, shotguns). Mr Sutcliffe is just waiting on my call to get it to us.[/not open]

The affected students are now aware that Liz and Izzy aren't "with them", as it were, or they will be soon. They're also soon going to know that all is not well with Henry.

dr abernathy, jack, izzy, locked, wtf, mr keating, tommy, mathilda

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