Dec 21, 2005 15:02
i dont think im life-anorexic (seeing everything as not enough, refusing joy)
i think im life-sensitive.
i dont go through my days thinking "everything sucks." I have highs and lows like everyone else but on top of all that i think im much more sensitive to those highs and lows and, secondarily, more sensitive to things that are off other people's radar. but im also a survivor. i internalize other peoples shit constantly, metabolize it for them instead of telling them to fuck off.
swallow, swallow.
tonight at work...
...i dont even want to get into it again for the 8000th time.
on the bright side, ill always have weed. hopefully.
also, i have a 3.7 gpa, which is, like, retarted. wait what? no really, seriously, a 3.7
also, i went to express on a whim, and they had my skinny jeans.
also, i bought them on sale.
also, they are a size 4, which is, like, retarted. wait, what? no really, seriously, a 4
its time for my favorite late-night ritual. greens, south park and chocalte in bed.
goodnight cow jumping over the moon