i'll try not to make this long, because i haven't updated in like years.
i lovvvvvve summer. i love not having to worry about school & all the shit that goes along with that. i love doing what i want when i want. i love going out every night & staying out until 4am. this summer has been the best yet. it's been totally crazy.
i met a boy this summer at work. we hung out like one time & then he didn't call for a few weeks so i was like whatever. then i saw him at a store & he was like give me ur number again i wanna hang out. so he called me that night & we hung out that night & the next. then he got really shady for a few days & i was leaving for vacation that next saturday. the friday before vacation i saw him that day & then that night. he called me while i was on vacation. & the next two weeks i saw him everyday except for two, lol. hes amazzzzzzing, so far. he's in NJ this weekend & i miss him. he told me that he hasn't been this happy in a year and a half. <3
well i hope everyone's doing well.
i don't know how often i'm going to update this journal but you can add my new one still.
searchthesky_ xoxo