Have I lost a friend?

May 03, 2006 13:40

I went to Springfield Sunday night with the intent of filling applications out all day on Monday. But when I got there, my allergies went nuts. I got like 6 hours of sleep, and when I woke up, my nose wouldn't stop running and I kept sneezing and my sinuses hurt like CRAZY! So I went to a few places to fill out applications, and my eyes kept tearing up, and my nose kept running and I'd have to keep wiping my face with my hands during this one interview, and I was so embarrassed. Yeah, that'll make them want to hire me, a girl whose nose keeps running. So I gave up and went back to my parents house and took a nap. The whole rest of the day I felt horrible...I wanted someone to shoot me, it was that bad. So I decided to stay another day and hope that the next day I would feel better. THANKFULLY I did. I was still stuffy, but at least I wasn't having to blow my nose every 2 minutes. (For real...my nose is actually peeling now because I had to blow it so much) So I am not sure if any of the jobs I applied for will turn out. I really hope this one will; it's at a Printing place and the guy was really nice. We found out that Josh didn't get hired at T-mobile, so that was discouraging.

At the beginning of last week when I talked to my friend with the house, she sounded like she was leaning towards letting her roommate rent the house, but she said, "Let me know if you guys do decide definitely to move to Springfield." So I called her last Thursday, and she didn't answer her phone, so I left a message telling her that I wanted to talk about us moving to Springfield, and for her to call me back. She never did. So I called her again last night. She sounded EXTREMELY distant. Apparently she couldn't talk at that time, so I said, "Well, can I call you back or can you call me back?" And she asked if she could call me today, so I said she could. So then she said, "Okay, I'll call you tomorrow, bye"--CLICK!!! She hung up without even giving me a chance to say 'bye' back. I was very upset, because she sounded extremely distant and not at all like she did before. Josh tried to convince me to not worry, that maybe she was distracted and that's why she sounded distant. So she called me back today, but my phone didn't ring, so I called her back. I told her that I wanted her to know that we definitely wanted to move to Springfield and that we would really like to rent her house. She interrupted me and said, "Oh, I've pretty much decided to let my roommate stay here" in this cool tone of voice that seemed to say "and that is the end of this subject." So I said, "Oh...okay..." and then she completely changed the subject, and started talking about herself. And she told me about how nice the apartment was that she was going to be living in and how she didn't have to pay rent for it. I just thought, okay that's nice....tell me I can't rent your house after you offered it to us, and you brag about how nice your new apartment is!! Then she said, "Well, should I let you go now?" And I said, "Well, okay." And that was pretty much it. I started crying after we got off the phone because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL. I just cannot deal with people acting that way towards me when I cannot see what I did wrong. So I called her back, and she didn't answer. So I left her a message and said, "I just want to know if I did something wrong, because you've acted really distant ever since this whole thing with your roommate came up, and I can't think of what I did wrong, and I just want to know, so please call me back when you can." She hasn't called me back yet.

I just do not understand!!!! SHE was the one who offered to rent her house to us, we did not ask her, or even hint that we wanted it, she offered it and seemed very happy about it, and told us that we would actually be doing her a favor. She told us to come look at the house, we did, talked about it some more, and we all said, "Okay, next time we meet we'll sign a contract!" Then she calls a few days later and says that she told her roommate she was going to rent the house to us, and the roommate had an emotional breakdown, so now she wasn't sure whether to rent it to her or to us. I said, "Well let's just both think about it some more", and then the next time we talked was when she said "let me know if you do decide to move to Springfield." So out of this, what could possibly be the reason for her to treat me this way? We have been friends since we were 12 years old, we were best friends all through middle school and high school, and I can't believe that she is treating me this way when I didn't do anything wrong...that upsets me more than not getting to rent the house. I've been analyzing the situation like crazy, trying to figure out WHY, because if I knew WHY at least it would be easier to deal with!! So here's what I think happened: I think she wanted to rent it to us, and when her roommate found out and had an "emotional breakdown", my friend felt really bad about making her move out, and she didn't want to deal with conflict or be the bad guy, especially knowing that she would have to live in the same house with this roommate until she left. So she decided to let her stay there because it was easier to deal with that, but she felt bad taking back her offer to us, so she has avoided my calls and has acted distant when we do talk so that she won't feel guilty or responsible in any way. I think her roommate has probably manipulated her to let her stay there, and I think that my friend lets people manipulate her to avoid conflict, because I think she was in a relationship before where she let someone manipulate her. This makes sense to me, but it doesn't take the pain away. I just cannot believe that she is willing to jeapordize our relationship that has lasted for almost 13 years because of a roommate she has known for less than a year...that is what hurts the most. I guess I know where I stand.
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