Feb 26, 2004 17:05
Charlie (my dog) is running around the house like a nutcase... Something is wrong with him. We think that he got into some kind of pills or something 'cause he is not normal. In the car on the way home from school he kept running to the front seat, then darting to the back of the car, and then in the middle, and then the back, and then the front. He was going psycho! It's very scary 'cause he's not like that. geez. It makes me so nervous and it really irritates me when he won't calm down.
anyways....... This weekend I'm going on a church retreat to SkyRanch. It's only until Sunday, but I kind of don't want to go. But Meagan is going, and I can't leave her alone, and she'll keep me sane. So it's okay I guess. Two days and three nights can't kill me, right?
Yeah I know I haven't updated this in forever, but then again no one ever reads it anyways. It makes me sad how when I go to read my friends' journal, they have 10+ comments, and I have zero. And when they post pictures, they have even MORE comments, and it's all people being jealous of other people, and wanting what they don't have and all that...... sounds kind of mushy, though.
My friend who lives in Boston bought me these shoes that aren't in Texas, and she sent them to me, and I just got them and YAY! I like them =D very comfy.. mmhmm yes they are.
I am going to wear them tomorrow! And then I am going to feel so cool, and everyone will admire me, and they will think so much of me that they will STOP BLOCKING THE HALLWAYS and let me pass, and STOP BLOCKING MY LOCKER and let me get to it....... =) I wish. hah!
Adrienne, my friend from Boston, put a lot of tape on the package when she sent it. haha and it says "tape.. tape.. so much tape!!" haha I had fun opening it. and then it was in an American Eagle box... and then inside that, it was wrapped in a paper towel!! Haha, she's so funny =)
she and i have been friends since even before we were born! My mom knew her mom while they were pregnant with us.. and then Adrienne was born 7 days before me. So when I was born, we were already friends. It's awesome. But she's moved a lot. Like, 3 times? I think? Something like that. Her dad lives down the alley from me, just on the street over. But her parents are divorced.. So she comes to visit sometimes. And she came down like.. last week? or something? And I skipped a day *GASP!* and hung out with her. Hehe it was funnn. And then when she had to go home, I just walked her down the alley, haha.
whew... sheesh.
well, I will try to update more. and maybe with some pictures! if only i was purdy. =(
See ya'll 'round later.
'Cause I'm Jon's llaaadddaaayyyy!!!!! And he is my mmmmaaaannn!!! *applaud* *bows* thank you thank you!