
Sep 09, 2002 22:32

Today was kinda miserable.School or just Geometry is getting more duller & miserable as the days go by & so is the teachers.Dallas came over after school & we moved some stuff around to enable us to have more room for writing/recording & now my room is all different & stuff but it's been around 2 years since i have moved it so.I felt in a shopping mood tonight so i went around a few websites to investigate & i went to Trustkill records website to check out some hopesfall & ptw stuff & i would of bought stuff from there cause it's really cheap but everything is out of stock,then i went to infinity1 & i stopped in my tracks because shipping is 8$,so then i went to bestbuy/amazon to check to see if hopesfall/taproot/dredg was up for pre-order & they all were but taproot so i'm gonna wait to pay 3.00$ for 3 cds.meh.enough outta me.
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