On life

Apr 20, 2009 14:07

Hello. Not as many people updating these days, and that includes myself. I guess I admit it's much more fun to post when I am getting comments. ;-)

On job:
I am still looking. There seems to be more out there right now than when I was looking in January and February, so I have hope I will find something good in not too long. I've been contacted about a few jobs recently, but they have been entry level or temp positions, and it's hard to go back to a $12 an hour job, when that's where I was years ago and that's less than what I get from unemployment! I am holding out hope for a bit longer that I can get a job that I can use my experience at and that I can enjoy at least a bit. ;-)

On house:
We have been getting bids for stuff that needs to be done around the house, mostly exterior stuff. Then we need to figure out where/how we're getting the money to do it. This includes a new driveway (I should take a photo of ours so you can see why), a retaining wall because our yard is eroding and falling to the sidewalk (we live on a corner), new gutters, a new fence (Cash can actually sneak out of our yard now due to our fence that's falling apart), a new garage roof, etc.

Thankfully, we are getting a new roof for our house for free due to hail damage that we hadn't realized was there. A new 10k 30-year roof. How awesome is that? We're having the same company due our new garage roof, but will have to pay for them to raise the roof to put on a proper one along with the new shingles.

Through our neighborhood, we are most likely getting a rain garden put in as well. A landscape guy came by last week to discuss it with us and will be sending us his design ideas. Then it is dug for free, and we are given a $100 rebate for the plants. Pretty sweet. We are thinking we'll put it in the front yard.

On church:
Our class through church, City Matters (on justice, race, and place matters of the city) ended, and we miss seeing those people every week! We continue to attend the monthly neighborhood gathering and are really liking it and the people. We signed up for a marriage retreat in May (the goal is 60 couples) that should be pretty cool, just got to find a place for the dog for a night. And right now I am debating on going to the relaunch of the Sanctuary Choir...it's tonight. The only thing that is holding me back is the commitment. If the choir sings every week, that would be tough. There are two services and they are long...and we are gone a lot of weekends. But, maybe I should just go and find out? I tried to e-mail with some questions but haven't heard back.

The past three weekends have been spent with family- for Trev's cousin's wedding festivities and for Easter. It's been really great! This weekend one of my best friends will be in town from Baltimore, and we're going to M. Ward at First Ave. Saturday night. Then on Sunday my friend Michelle is coming from Fergus to stay a night and hang out and be crafty.

I'll have to update again soon. But right now I've got to get dinner started!

At Easter in Sheboygan:

At the Wedding:

They had a photo booth!

Here's Trev with some of his cousins. Six weren't at the wedding:

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