Jul 15, 2004 19:51
its been a while so i thought i'd update, some pretty interesting shit has happened so i should try to keep a record of it i guess. i hung out last night with Sam and i did some acid based ecstasy, and had an insane trip, it fucking rocked. we watched some kickass movies. she showed me this movie called "Waking Life" and it might seriously have changed my life, its the most brilliant film i've ever seen. hmm a couple days before that i snorted x with jeremy, but last night was better, i was hallucinating n shit, it rocked. i havent eaten in like 40 hours, i know i need to eat but i cant. i feel like shit right now. so sam dropped me off at home today at like 3 or something then her and foley came back later and smoked with me then left. yes im still the biggest stoner alive, need i bring up when i smoke anymore? i'll just record the interesting drug encounters. i pierced the other side of my lip, and my hair is black again. those are the new "enhancements" i've made on myself. i got a kitten! his name is Captain Morgan, he rocks man. me and sam and will and foley been goin to lake somerville a couple times, thats pretty fun, even if the lake aint that nice, we always manage to cause a disturbance anywhere we go. i figured out so much shit last night when i was on X. i cant explain any of it, but i definately feel enlightened. well im sure im leaving shit out, but i cant remember everything, actually i can hardly remember anything...ohh well. spiderman 2 rocks!! well i got a fucking headache so i'm done with this. peace.