Fatty McFatterson

Jun 06, 2007 15:11

I'm in a love/hate relationship with long naps. On one hand, its not like I'm going to turn down a nap, but when they're like 4 hours long, it makes it hard to sleep at night, and that's annoying.
I told dad over the phone of my 'siesta situation' and he pretty much told me that I have irregular sleeping habits because I'm fat.
Thanks, dad. I'm not worried about a complex later in life at all.

Some time last night I had a crazy, crazy dream.
I was at my school, but it had turned into some type of housing district and I was staying in one of the rooms by the quad, but the room inside looked nothing like a classroom. Whilst there, I came into contact with an older, balding French man who was slightly creepy but endearing enough. He spoke little English, and I was the only one around who spoke any French so I became his cohort for getting around. Plus, he had interesting stories to tell and every so often gave me little trinkets.
One evening, I was getting ready to go to bed and the wall on the far left of my room were huge French doors (ironic?) taking up most of the wall. I was just getting ready to turn off my light when I look out the windows and who do I see staring dumbly at me through the panes? Oh yes, slightly creepy french guy.
I walked to the doors, mouthing and signaling with my hands politely that he needed to go home, but he just kept staring, with a small devious smirk crawling onto the corners of his mouth.
I kind of wanted him to stay, but I also wanted him to go home because of the obvious debauched looks he was giving me.
I shrug a little and turn around and who is sitting in the arm chair next to my bed? Once again, slightly creepy french guy.
I sigh heavily, explaining to him in French that I had a busy day the next day and it was already very late.
He replied gingerly, "D'accord, mais je voudrais juste une poignée de main avant que je parte."
I figured, a handshake was a handshake, it could have been worse.
He took one of my hands with both of his and lightly kissed the top of it. He wasn't what most would consider an attractive man, but he was very kind and was always humming a catchy tune.
He left quickly after, shutting the door behind him and I switched off my lamp and went to sleep.
The next morning, I got ready as usual, and as I was walking in between what used to be study hall and the pool, two small children came scampering over to me, bickering amongst themselves. When they caught up to me, they asked if the bundle of things they were carrying between them was mine.
In the royal blue satchel made of crushed velvet was: my hairbrush, a pink undershirt, a few pictures, and about $75 in a folded envelope.
I asked them where they found it, and they said someone probably dropped it when they were leaving "the district".
I hurried back to my room to check for other missing objects, and when I got there, in my room were three burly police-lookin' guys with big mustaches and Cindy Ornales. It was weird seeing her there, seeing as I hadn't seen Teddy's mom since middle school, but it was good to see a familiar face.
She mumbled something like, "Oh god, I know that girl, it couldn't have been her" to the officers and ran over to me, throwing her arms around me.
I asked her what the heck was going on, and she said that there were several robberies the night before and I was the lead suspect!
"Quel désastre!" I exclaimed, and she just responded with a blank stare.
I told her, "You're probably not going to believe me, but this is whats been goin' down.."
I explained to her everything about slightly creepy french guy, and how he probably didn't lock my door as he left and came back later.
For a long while, she was deep in thought and shared this information with the three 'stached cops.
After a while of sitting in my room, which had turned back into a classroom, they got a call saying that they found a man who was similar to what I described to be slightly creepy french guy.
They reported that they found a man's body roughly 3,000 miles east of where we were and he was carrying with him about $20,000 worth of silver.
I wept for a long time after they had left, thinking about the man who could tell a crazy story better than anyone I'd known. I couldn't believe he had tried to pin all of his robberies on me!

MORAL OF THE STORY(I think?): Be careful who you make friends with.

The bizarre part, this morning I stopped by Starbucks on the way to school and as I was walking to the door, I saw a man sitting by the window who looked just like him!! I had to double-take I was so startled!
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