I need me some edward smut dammit!!

Feb 08, 2009 19:49

*Sigh* I've OFFICIALLY lost my mind..

No, really it tis true.

I'm itching like an addict for more fucking Wide Awake.

This CANNOT be healthy.

Hahahaha fuck if it's healthy-that shit is the fucking BOMB.

Okay, that's all I'll say about Wide Awake in this entry..*smirks*..mayyybeeeee..

I still feel like I need to cry lmfao I have no fucking idea why...
woooo here I go with the 'fuck' word again..maybe I should put
an adult content on my journal..
Warning: This bitch has a fucking bad mouth,motherfuckers!


So, anywayssss I was like..Ya knowwwww..like Ya knowwwww..

I drove toodayyyyy.
And, my 2 favorite songs came on while I was,

Lollipop-Framing Hanley
Sex On Fire-Kings Of Leon

Yes sirrrr, and you can bet your ass I sang along, even if I did sound like
a dieing screaming giraffe..I can't help that I'm sick..at least when I'm not
sick I only sound like a screaming giraffe..


Ugh..I just heard the word 'Vagina' come from the t.v....
I'm not going to laugh...I'm not going to laugh..
well fuck I'm laughing anyways, that shit makes me laugh
worse than a fat kid when his mom makes him a chocolate cake!

That..and now thanks to Wide Awake..the word 'Unicorn'...thanks a lot Angst! ahahaha.


So, want to hear like the greatest story ever?

My little cousin was in the store the other day with my grandma,
and her shoe fell off right?
Well she couldn't get if back on..
So want to know what she says?


Ahahahahahahahahahaha...Oh Lawd....

I swear I didn't teach her that.

Haha. She's so fucking cute.

& Guess what!

She's going on the potty now!!!

I'm so proud of her!

Yes ma'am I am!


44? More dayyyyyyysssssss.
Till Robert is in my bedroom...
hahahaha I fucking wishhhhhh.

If I had a last dieing wish...

It would be to have Robert on my bed...
and he'd be giving out unicorns allllllllll night long,
and there would be no 'Cookies' needed..muahahahahahahaha.

Wooooo. I really should NOT have wrote that,
now I'm having a cold chill & it feels soo wrong for it to feel soo gooddd.

Told You I have lost my mind =].

Yepyep tis true.

Okiedokey smokey.
That's all for tonight.

Fuck you all and good night!!!! =] (I kid, I kid)


I'm in a really fucking good mood. =]

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