1st entry!!!!

Apr 25, 2005 17:07

This weekend was so much fun!

Friday nite: went to see Fever Pitch with the marvelous m.a.r.i.n.a it was really cute, then we went to taco bell (p.s they love us there :) haha) and my brother was having his little friends over so I'm like yah I'm definently going to Marina's and it was so much fun! We just danced and talked and were our awesome selves

Saturday: left Marina's and went shopping ALL DAY for cotilian and i was like falling asleep... then i got my nails done went home took a nap and god ready for cotilian, cotilian was so much fun! like our whole class was there, just danced talked and took our pretty pictures :) then melanie came over after and we got McDonalds and talked... I <33 that chick

Sunday: Melanie left and i just stayed home and relaxed....


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