It doesn't feel like Christmas. I don't think it ever will until i have a family of my own. But i know that i will never be able to feel how i did when i was a kid. You know, where Christmas Eve seemed like the longest day ever, and no matter how hard you tried to stay awake that night, you fell asleep regardless, every single year. I miss that magic. Sneaking presents from the stocking, running into my room with Lauren, and stuffing the opened present under the bed before going back to grab another one that might be more interesting.
I miss the feeling of family. It's partially there for how much it possibly can be, but it's not the same. And that's what i miss. I wish this day didn't feel like any other day.
Three 5am mornings kicked my ass this week. But at the same time i got used to waking up at 4am.
Got a little Christmas shopping done. I wish i didn't have to watch my money, i saw so many things that i wanted to get people. I'm way too giving when it comes to money and presents. I love seeing the reactions that people have when they receive the gift. I dunno, it's a bad thing that i'm like this though. That's probably where most of my money will go in my life...
Jennie is an aunt! Her sister is gonna have a baaaby. With death, comes life. Life is strange...
The month of December went by way too quickly........ I am so in love. I fall deeper and deeper in love with my wonderful boyfriend everyday. Everyday is brighter because of that boy. Being in love is one of the most amazing feelings and i am so thankful for this happiness i am able to experience.
Christmas dinner party tomorrow. And then starts the brainstorming of what shall occur on New Years Eve...
Merry Christmas everyone.. Hope you have a good holiday and enjoy it as much as you can. I know i'll be tryin too.