my life since june

Oct 06, 2005 00:02

In case anyone wondered where I dissapeared to:

+Took 4 summer classes got all A's.
+Bought a brand new honda civic.
+I'm a TA this semester.
+I got a raise at work.
+I'm graduating in may and I want to go to grad school to be a professor!

-I threw up the other night.
-I went to the hospital with chest pains a few weeks ago and they said it was caused by stress and anxiety.
-Someone lost the key to my office at school.
-I've been eating like crap because I don't have any time to eat meals.
-My dog is really sick and probably will be put to sleep soon.

I really wanted the Arcade Fire CD and I went to buy it the other day and they were out of it. I looked over and saw the new Beck CD so I bought it because I was angry they didn't have my CD. It is now my new favorite.
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