Title: Higher Learning
shes_gone and
reallycorkingFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 23,200
Summary: When Sam's old Stanford buddy unexpectedly calls in a favor, the Winchester brothers find themselves tested in more ways than one.
Warnings: AU-ish, in that this takes place a few years after Sam left Stanford, but we've ignored virtually all the canon from Seasons Three and Four. Those of you familiar with the Boston area (and a certain academic institution there) will recognize many things, most especially the liberties that we have taken with both. Also, Wincest! I have never written a warning this long before!
Notes: Written for the 2009
spn_j2_bigbang. My first real SPN fic!
And it's an effing Big Bang, lol. But I only wrote half of it -
peccatrixjusta and I had a complete ball collaborating. ♥. It's her first ever fanfic, you guys! In any fandom. Tell her how awesome she is so she'll write more, OK! And, unf,
reallycorking illustrated it (in a totally NWS and kind of spoilery-for-the-fic way, haha),
!!! Huge, endless thanks to her and to
cmere for the betas, helpful feedback and obligatory hand-holding. And for getting me into this fandom in the first place - where on earth would I be without these amazing ladies! ♥♥♥. Have fun at the Grand Canyon!
Higher Learning )