I haven't decided if I'm going to color in my squid tattoo. Maybe I'll let it be an outline a little longer.
I've got The Tattoo Fever though. I need something, and I'm contemplating something on my stomach that would look neat even when I'm bloated.
Right now I'm in love with Kozyndan's Bunnyfish.
Uhn, get on me Bunnyfish!
I definitely need to get a tattoo of
my cat. I thought her cute little head surrounded by laurel leaves (ala-Cadillac emblem) would be neat. Still, I remain undecided and very poor. Well, I have a significant amount of money saved but I have to buy a shit-ton of tools in September, so I'm trying to be frivolous and maybe even save too much before then.
My grade in psych is at a 95.5%. Go me. And now, off to sleepytown. Tom Baker is narrating my thoughts again.