source block

Mar 25, 2010 13:26

Hell is a teenage girl.


I guess I'm not exactly perfect myself. But at least I have my fans.


I say the words, but nothing ever happens. Nobody comes back. Nobody gets off the cross.


They're big on recreation here. Supposedly it helps us vent our aggressions. Personally? I think they're trying to wear us out. Keep us sluggish so there won't be an uprising. Well, those JV tactics won't work against me. I'm a kicker. K-I-C-K-E-R. It even says so on my chart.

Grandoise Notions
Uncontrollable fits
(has put several orderlies in the hospital)



"I recommend you shut the fuck up!"


I wasn't always this cracked. I used to be normal. Well, as normal as any girl under the influence of teenage hormones. But after the killings began I started to feel...I dunno. Loose around the edges or something.


Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know. Just really deep.


We were our yearbook pictures. Nothing more, nothing less.


"It's a rock show. This is my rock look!"


"It's just that I like the same things that she likes. We have stuff in common. That's why we're BFFs."


Clubs have DJs and champagne. All we have is a jukebox and a sticker toilet.


"Those guys are rank, Jen. Just forget about them."


I watched her get into that van and I knew something awful was going to happen. He was skinny and twisted and evil like this petrified tree I saw when I was a kid.


"Cheese and fries, there's somebody here."


I knew it was real. I'd been up all night scrubbing the carnage off the linoleum floor.


"I feel guilty just breathing."


"We have creative nonfiction together and he's a really good writer. He's like all dark and emotional and stuff."


"The fiery deathtrip last night, and now a cannibal psycho takes down the biggest guy in school? Come on. It's freaktarded!"


We figured things could only get better. We had faith. We were fucking idiots.


"Crass. It means greedy. Exploitive. Scummy."


But nobody seemed to care anymore. Sorrow was last week's emotion. Sure, we all hoped this would be the last funeral. But I knew better.


"No. I mean she's actually evil. Not just high school evil."


"She's eating boys! They, like, make her really...pretty, and glowy, and her hair looks amazing. And then when she's hungry she's weak and cranky and ugly. I mean, like, ugly for her."


All over Devil's Kettle kids were getting ready for the dance, blissfully unaware that some poor chump was on his way to being Satan chow.


"She's just hovering. It's not that impressive!"


"You know what? You were never a good friend. Even when we were little, you used to steal my toys, and pour lemonade on my bed."


"Is it just to tick me off? Or is it because you're just really insecure?"
"I - I am not insecure, Needy, god that's a joke. How can I ever be insecure? I was the Snowflake Queen."
"Yeah - two years ago, when you were socially relevant..."
"I am still socially relevant."
"...and when you didn't need laxatives to stay skinny."


"I love you."
"I love you too..and you look totally hot in that dress."
"Oh god, you're delirious."


"Best friends forever, huh? You killed my fucking boyfriend, you goddamn monster, you dumb bitch!"


"Cross out Jennifer."


I don't know who Needy Lesnicki is anymore.

I'm a different person now. A person who uses curse words and kicks orderlies and sees things that aren't there. A very bad, very damaged person.

But sometimes change can be good.


"Just might get lucky for once in your miserable life."

canon, mundane, puppet

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