
Jan 16, 2007 19:25

can anyone tell me why i got this message on myspace today? i am wondering who this richard dude is and why i should care about his raw almonds.

Date: 1/16/2007

Subject: raw almonds
Body: Raw Almonds

In or around the year 1990, , on a trip from Sacramento CA to Chicago, I stopped at a side of the road fruit and nut stand and bought some raw almonds and I liked them! They had a bitter bite to them that roasted almonds didn’t have. Not a strong bitter taste, but a mild interesting bitter flavor that stayed and lingered awhile as a mild numbing of the tongue.
I had bought a pound and they lasted about a week, and I was looking forward to another trip back to California so I could get some more raw almonds. I was dispatched to pick up from the Princeton, IL, area a canning machine that was to go to Antioch, CA. It only weighed 5000 lbs and it had to be loaded on a 53 foot trailer.
Before I left home at Wilmington, IL, I was in a restaurant, and saw a Christian Friend. He was with other Christians so on the way out I told him that I was going to California with a 53 foot trailer with only 5000 pounds in the box, and would he keep me in his prayers.
He immediately explained to the other men with him that it is dangerous out west with a light load in the west because of the ice and snow and wind. A light load doesn’t hold the road as well as a heavy load and a gust of wind on slippery road can blow the trailer into the ditch. They agreed to pray for me and I left.
Nebraska and Wyoming went well, even though there was bad weather and a little snow with gusts of wind but I wasn’t too worried. The downhill run into Salt Lake City went well too. But on the other side of Salt Lake City at the truck stop at Tooele, Utah, there was a wind advisory for high profile vehicles with wind gusts of 40-50 MPH. I knew I wasn’t going to make it across the Bonneville Salt Flats with my 53’ wagon with only 5000lbs in it. I would have been blown over.
I met a driver who had a van with a full load and we agreed to run side by side until we got to Nevada. We had a long line of cars and trucks behind us as we went that hundred miles across to Nevada, and some of them, the four wheelers, expressed their anger over the CB and others, mostly truck drivers, understood the situation. We went about 60MPH non-stop, for if I left the loaded truck’s side I would have been blown over, and we made it; but I was worried. Once we got to the mountain in Wendover, Utah I felt safe and I thanked the other driver and drove across Nevada without incident into California and was on the way to deliver the Green Giant Canning Machine to Antioch, California.
While they were unloading it the receiver said my dispatcher was on the phone and wanted to talk to me.
He said, “Richard, I have a load for you.”
“It’s not almonds is it?”
“Yes it is. How did you know?”
“I asked the Lord for raw almonds.”

It didn’t pick up until tomorrow morning and so I went to the 49er truck stop off of I80 at the W. El Camino Road exit which is 6 miles from Sacramento, CA.
(I put the Names Antioch, Sacramento, and El Camino in yellow highlighter because they all are associated with Jesus Christ. Antioch is a city mentioned 19 times in the Bible where believers were first called “Christians”. (see Acts 11:26) Sacramento is Sacrament in Spanish, and El Camino means “The Way” (see John 14:6) The Christian Religion was called “The Way” right after Jesus ascended into heaven and before it was called Christian at Antioch.)

After a night at the truck stop, I drove right to the Blue Diamond Growers, of Sacramento, CA. It was built of the Spanish type architecture with a high wall around the yard, of stucco and the canning and nut packing house of walls of tan stucco also. I went though the large gate with large wrought iron gate to the yard and I saw large 2000lb bags of almonds sitting in the yard, stopped the truck, got out and went over to the lady who was looking them over with some sort of electronic instrument, and said rather excitedly, “Where can I get some raw almonds?”
She said, “At the market. You don’t want these, as they still have poison gas to kill the insects around them. We put them out in the yard to air out.” (she was the Cyanide Gas Inspector) Disappointed I got back into the truck and drove over to the shipping dock office. I went inside and no one was around. Not even on the docks. So I went back out to the truck and did some paperwork.
When I saw some activity some time later, I went into the office to check in and asked why there was no one around, was it break time?
“No.” he said, “A guy got speared by a forklift, and he was alive, but when the paramedics took him off the fork, he died.” I didn’t ask where I could get some raw almonds. It didn’t seem appropriate after I heard that someone had just died, so I went back to the truck, and backed it into a door.
Awhile later in the cab of the truck, I felt a forklift enter the trailer. I went up on the dock to check it out, and saw the dock foreman popping honey roasted almonds in his mouth. I walking up to him and asked, “Where can I get some raw almonds?”
“At the market.” He said as he popped some more almonds in his mouth. Dejectedly, I went back to the cab of the truck and went in the bunk, where I fell asleep.
When I woke up, the truck was not shaking as it should if it is being loaded. I figured, “Well, they are done. I am loaded.” and proceeded up to the dock to get my bills. No one was in sight. Even the office was empty. My trailer was half loaded. I went back to the cab of the truck and went back to sleep, only to be awakened by the shaking of the trailer from being loaded again.
I went up on the dock to watch the loading and once there I found out the reason no one was around again the second time. They told me that an electrician was working on a 440 box and the electricity knocked him back so that his head hit a metal pole, splitting both his helmet and his head, and he died. I didn’t ask anyone for any raw almonds after that news. I didn’t stay on the dock, but went back to the cab of the truck.
A Blue Diamond employee came with the bills and the seal to seal the trailer. I pulled away from the dock and closed the trailer doors and the employee put the seal on. I checked the number to see if it matched the bills as always. Then I turned to the Blue Diamond employee and asked, “Are you a Christian?”
“Yes, Born Again.”
“How often do you have two people die here in one day?”
“I’ve been here for 15 years and no body has died here all that time.”
“Look at this seal number, (392766) 39 books in Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament, 66 in all. In that Bible it says, “ 4Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.” (Deuteronomy 25:4) (1st Corinthians 9:9) (1st Timothy 5:18) And I asked for raw almonds twice, but got none, and two people died.
R. Reese

myspace, random

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