i remember halloweeeeen.

Oct 24, 2005 21:55

photos from the weekend...

Danzig party at old i... these chicks are tuff as nails.

Dj Roger, the host. a bunch of local bands played. we got there right after the cassidys played and i was sad. but it was still really really fun.

Amanda and Eriks wedding was nice. i was so happy to be there. lots of nice people, smiling faces, and plenty of hugs.

baby June, Stacy and Rob!

Anna and me. We always take the best pictures together.

Brian was trying to eat my brains, but it didnt really translate to this photo well. I wore my Stepford dress and it was a hit!

after the wedding, brian missy levi and i met up with lisa alexa jess and some boys for Mini Golf at Scandia. girls vs boys. Lisa won, i got 4th place out of 5.

After mini golf, we all (except missy) went bowling. ryan matt and kirk are all hella good, and the rest of us mostly sucked.

We played 2 games, and on the 2nd game i got 4th out of 9. that means i lost only to those dudes who are hella good and only by like 20-30 points. i was proud.

it was a great weekend.
photos from the danzig party, the wedding and bowling are HERE.
photos from mini golf are HERE.

we watched Series 7 and it is still fantastic. i love it.

now its snuggletime.
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