Sherlock vs Cluedo [Part One]

Jan 19, 2012 16:44

Author: sheryllx
Title: Sherlock vs Cluedo
Fandom: Sherlock BBC TV series
Rating: PG - as includes Cludeo, so minor references to murder/suicide etc
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer Sherlock characters belong to the BBC/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle :) & Cluedo characters belong to Parker/Hasbro (in the UK I think - or so my board game says)
Plot: Sherlock's bored and asks John to join him in a game of Cluedo...
Author's NotesThere was a scene in Sherlock, series 1 I think, where John mentions something about Cluedo and that Sherlock thought Mr Black wasn't murdered but committed suicide, claiming it was 'the only possibility'.
I thought this would be rather funny to develop into a fanfiction so (to give me a break from uni work!) I thought I’d give it a go!

If you would like to know how Cluedo is played if you've not heard it before or simply need a refresh on the rules of game (like I did!) I'd say to search 'Cluedo' on Wikipedia as it explains it quite well there. Although I will say if any fact here in my fic is wrong or inaccurate, please let me know as I haven’t checked the facts are right!

This is my first Sherlock fic and it's a bit of fun, I hope you all like it! :) Any comments would be lovely.

(P.S I'm hoping to write a follow up to my Merlin fic soon too! Just been a bit busy at the mo'!)

Sherlock vs Cluedo - Part One

‘Forget it, I’m not playing!’ John said for the third time.
‘Oh come on, stop being a spoilsport’ Sherlock replied shuffling the cards
‘I’m not being a spoilsport; I just don’t want to play Cluedo with a super-sleuth!’
‘Sleuth?!’ Sherlock repeated, slightly bemused
‘I may as well play Cops & Robbers with Lestrade’ John finished
‘Please, Lestrande couldn’t catch a robber if the latter was glued to the crime scene’ Sherlock said shuffling again.
‘And anyway, I thought you didn’t want to play it, you said it was, and I quote, “pedestrian” and “so easy a three year old could deduce the killer”
‘I do. But I’m bored and need some form of entertainment’ Sherlock told him, putting the three cards in the envelope.
‘You call the cases of murder and kidnap entertainment?!’
‘We’re not having this conversation again’ Sherlock replied, gesturing to the board for John to play
‘You really want us to play this’
‘Yes. I need a workout’ Sherlock said which made John laugh ‘What?’
‘Sorry I just got an image of you at a gym’
Sherlock stared at him, once again, bemused.
‘Well, I thought I did, it’s very hard to imagine’ John said still laughing
‘Yes, yes alright’
Unimpressed, Sherlock handed the dice to John ‘You’re first’
‘Miss Scarlett goes first’
‘I know.’ Sherlock told him
‘So I’m Miss Scarlett?!’
‘Yes’ Sherlock said staring at him, John stared back
‘Oh fine, there’ Sherlock said giving John the Professor Plum token instead
‘Thank you’ John said, rolling the dice.

A few moments later …

‘Revered Green in the Library with the Lead piping’ John said confidently
‘WRONG!’ Sherlock shouted
‘So you don’t have any of cards?!’ John asked
‘Either that or you don’t believe it’s what happened’
‘Sherlock, that’s not how you play the game!’ John said annoyed. He knew this was a bad idea. This is how the game had been going at every one of his turns since they started. It was obvious Sherlock had those cards as there was only the two of them playing, so any card John didn't have, it was either with Sherlock or in the envelope.
‘Isn’t it? So far I have 326 possibilities. No wait. 327’
‘You can’t have?!’
‘Why not?’ Sherlock asked
‘Because there are only 6 characters, 6 weapons and 9 rooms, there can only be 324 possibilities.’
‘Well, that can’t be right?’
‘I don’t believe this’ John said shaking his head in disbelief
Sherlock didn’t answer but instead rolled the dice, moving his token, Mrs Peacock, into the Living Room.

A few moments later...

‘Mr Black in the Kitchen with the Revolver!’
‘Sherlock, He can’t have killed himself! That’s not how you play the game’
‘It’s the only logical possibility I can see.’
‘You just told me you had 327 possibilities!’
‘Well, they were all discounted, this is the only possibility left.’
‘Mr Black didn’t commit suicide, he was murdered. It says so in the instructions!’ John informed Sherlock ‘and he has been murdered ever since the game was created.’
‘They’re wrong’
‘No, Sherlock, No, they’re not. Ugh, I can’t deal with this anymore’
‘Alright, alright. Fine. Calm down, do you have either the Kitchen or Revolver card?’ Sherlock asked
‘I have both’ John told him
‘And not Mr Black?’
‘No, Sherlock, there is no Mr Black card, it’s not suicide, he was murdered.’ John told him.
‘Hmm’ Sherlock said staring back at the board putting his hands up to his chin.
‘Is it my turn again now?’ John asked sighing; Sherlock nodded, deep in thought, as he reconsidered his options…

x x

game: cludeo, television: sherlock, fanfiction

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