Update: fanfiction/graphics etc ..

Sep 06, 2011 21:24

Hello :)

This is just a quick message for anyone who's found any of my fanfiction/graphics etc and wondered why my last post was in February i think it was!

I suppose the main reason is that I've been so busy with uni this year and also I've had a bit of writer's block! I'm still working on my Doctor Who/Being Human crossover but as i haven't watched BH in so long (I kinda missed a load of s3 just because it got very intense/dark and not the show i first fell in love with on s1) it's been put on the back burner and I haven't attempted it since. I did have a go today but it wasn't going very well aha..

I've made a couple of graphics (the new Hangover-inspired Friends Only banner for example) but everything else i'm afraid i haven't done recently.

My journal is still active tho, very much so, but as i mainly use this journal as a place for all my ramblings, these entries have been set as Friends Only, so anyone not on my friends list will see my last entry was made in Feb!

I doubt anyone will see this lol but i thought I'd just say anyway in case anyone was wondering really! If people would like to see me carry on with writing any fanfiction - DW/BH for eg or make any graphics/icons etc I'd be very hapy too if people would like, til then i thought I'd post this up so you all know what's going on. :)

x x

fanfiction, graphics

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