Saturday Night In

Sep 24, 2010 16:03

Author: Sheryllx
Title: Saturday Night In pt.1
Fandom: Being Human
Rating: U
Spoilers: None
Plot: I started watching series one again and with the Saturday night line-up of Strictly Come Dancing, Merlin and X Factor starting again; it made me wonder what kind-of conversation the trio would have watching these programs, and that led me to this fanfic. I hope you all like it, you can find the fic under the cut :) x x

Saturday Night In - Part One
‘Ohh! Merlin! I forgot this was on?! Has it started yet?!’ Annie said suddenly appearing on the sofa beside George, who, in the shock threw his bowl of popcorn in the air, scattering them across the floor after letting out one of his usual screams.
‘Ugh! Annie! Look, you’ve done it again!’ He said clearing it up. That was the third bag that had gone to waste after one of Annie’s appearing acts.
‘Oh stop worrying George, they’ll be fine’ Mitchell said grabbing a handful before sitting back on the sofa to eat them and drink the beer he’d just got from the fridge.
‘I’m not eating food off the floor Mitchell! Haven’t you seen that advert that says there are more bacteria hidden on your surfaces than there are in your toilet?’
‘What does that matter?' which made George do a face 'Anyway, I’ve eaten food I’ve dropped before and I’m fine’
‘That’s because you’re immortal, You can't get food poisoning!’

‘Er. Hello?! Am I invisible again?!’ Annie said waving her arms out in front of the boys ‘Is this the new series or not?!’
‘No need to get huffy George’ Annie said squishing herself onto the sofa in between him and Mitchell. ‘X factor’s back on tonight as well isn’t it?’
‘Yeah and Strictly Come Dancing, and thanks to your timely appearance, I missed the end!’ George moaned
‘You didn’t miss much, George; it was just the preview show. It starts properly next week’
‘I didn’t know you watched Strictly Mitchell’ George said slightly bemused at his vampire flatmate’s sudden interest in ballroom and sequins.

‘Yeah, well shockingly, not for the glitter and fake tan but the dancing, I went along in the forties and fifties and I guess I just miss it.’
‘Also, it helps that the program has attractive women that wear skimpy costumes, doesn’t it Mitchell?’ Annie pointed out tutting
‘Maybe’ he smirked ‘Although I did meet Arlene once, she wanted me to be her dance partner but I couldn’t seeing as I was with Josie. She got rather jealous…’
‘Is there anyone you haven’t met?’ George asked tucking to some more popcorn

‘I miss her on the panel; she was amazing. I met her once too you know?’
‘I never knew you danced Annie?’ Mitchell asked
‘Yeah, back when I was nine or ten I started, we did jazz, tap, modern, ballet, anyway when I was 11, our troop went up to London to do a show and she was there and gave us tips while we were rehearsing. She said I was perfect, and had no criticism other than that my timing was a bit off so I think I did rather well. Much better than Stacey, by the way, who was awful and couldn’t even do a high kick.’ She said making a face.
‘Wow’ George said slightly sarcastically, ‘if only she could see you now’ he said which caused him to get a slap of Annie

‘So what dancing did you do Mitchell?’
‘Well, I was no Elvis or Cliff Richard but I wasn’t bad’
‘We should enter a competition together!’ Annie chirped up but Mitchell said no before she’d even finished her sentence.
‘Why not? I miss dancing’ Annie said ‘I even auditioned to be in Saturday Night fever but Stacey got it. Again.’

‘Ha-ha, I would pay to see Mitchell doing the John Travolta dance’ George said trying to do the night fever dance before knocking the popcorn bowl over again.
‘See, it’s not always me’ Annie remarked ‘and you done it wrong George, it’s like this’ She said standing up to do it properly.
‘Okay fine, sorry my night fever is lacking’ which made Annie and Mitchell start to laugh hysterically
‘I hope you haven’t told Nina that’ Mitchell said raising his eyebrows.
‘Why? what, what did I say?’ George asked before realising what he’d said ‘Oh...ha,ha very funny.’ He said snacking on more popcorn.
‘Oohh it’s starting!’ Annie chirped up settling back onto the sofa

50 minutes later…
‘Why can’t I be a warlock or wizard?’ George moaned ‘Instead of being a werewolf?’
‘Me too’ Mitchell agreed quite liking the idea of being a warlock
‘Not me. I quite like being a ghost’ Annie said smiling
‘That’s because you have the same powers a wizard’ Mitchell pointed out
‘No I don’t’
‘Yes you do, you can appear, disappear, move things without touching them. You’re basically Merlin!’
‘That’s so unfair; you assume because i have the better powers I’m happier than you two?!’
‘Yes!’ George and Mitchell said in unison ‘You get magic and we get…’
‘Blood and… fur’ Mitchell said taking another sip of beer looking over at George

‘Okay, fine, fine so that makes you what? Uther and ...George…
‘I’m not Guis!’ George complained
‘And how am I Uther?!’ Mitchell asked
‘You lust after blood. Uther kills everyone for no reason but his own…issues.’ Annie said waving her hands in front of Mitchell ‘And George is Guis because…because’
‘Why am I not Arthur?’ George asked seriously which made both Annie and Mitchell laugh at him. Again.

‘You’re so not Arthur George’ Mitchell said
‘Why not? And why am I Guis?’
‘Oohh X factor’s on!’ Annie said flicking over the channel
‘No hang on, Why am I Guis?!’ George asked again
‘Sssshh!’ Annie said wafting her arms in front of him whilst watching the television.

‘I really envy Cheryl Cole. Not for her vile husband of course but she’s so beautiful. Look at her outfits and her hair! I’m so jelaous’
‘Shut up Annie you’re gorgeous’ Mitchell said making Annie blush
‘Oh. Thank you Mitchell’ she said ‘But… it’s true though, every man finds her attractive. Don’t you think she’s attractive?’
‘Well… yeah but you’re much better to be around. She’d get on my nerves after a while anyway’

‘No she wouldn’t, besides Annie gets on your nerves too’ George said ‘Who let him on? Christ, I can sing better than that!’
‘She doesn’t. Not that much anyway’
‘Thanks’ Annie said folding her arms
‘Arr no, you know I love ya Annie’ Mitchell said putting his arm around her and giving her a little hug before getting up to find some food, George had almost finished the bowl of popcorn.

‘I want to audition for X factor, maybe the three of us should be a band! Yess! I can be the adorable but sensitive yet fun, female lead, George can be...’
‘Guis’ he said in a deadpan voice
‘We’re not forming a band’ Mitchell said coming back into the lounge with some leftover pizza, well Annie’s leftover portion. She was insistent on having some despite being unable to eat it. She felt left out if she didn’t have any.
‘Why not?’
‘Do I even need to answer that question?’ he replied
‘No’ Annie said disappointed
‘I’d like her to win’ George said pointing at the screen ‘She seems quite good’

‘I could learn an instrument?’ Annie pointed out hopefully
‘I’ll teach you guitar’ Mitchell said
‘You play guitar?’
‘A little’
‘Can you two please be quiet; I can’t hear what the judges are saying?’
‘I’ll tell you George, “Three Yesses!”’ Annie said doing her best Simon Cowell impression.
‘You’re a wizard and an impersonator’ George said ‘We really are spoilt for choice with talent in this house’ ...

television: the x factor, television: merlin, fanfiction, television: strictly come dancing, television: being human

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