Being Human fanfiction

Jun 18, 2010 19:18

Author: Sheryllx (Sheryl)
Title: TBC
Fandom: Being Human
Rating: U
Info: I've always wanted to write fanfiction and thought i'd give it a go yesterday afternoon, there's not much plot or story, it's more of a prologue if anything. I'd like to know what people think if you don't mind letting me know. I'll carry on with it if people are interested but for now it's just a bit of fun, it's all under the cut. I Hope you like it :) x x

Annie was up, early as usual, making Breakfast for the boys before they headed off to work as she always did as part of her routine. She’d decided to attempt to make a full English for them as well but the bacon was a little burnt, okay, so all of it was a lot burned after she’d got distracted singing along to 'Never Gunna Give You Up' on the radio.

She plated up and even managed to find some flowers from the front garden to decorate the table. She stood back and admired her work skipping back to the toaster to collect the toast after hearing it go off before finally bringing the drinks over. Strong black coffee for Mitchell and some herbal tea for George, it may have been green tea, Annie couldn’t remember ‘Same kind of thing’ she said out loud to herself.

Just at that moment George and Mitchell walked in, ‘Morning Annie’ they both said in unison.
‘What’s all this?’ Mitchell asked her.
‘Breakfast, silly!’ Annie said chirpily with a smile ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you can’t go to work on an empty stomach.’ She smiled again before ushering a confused George and Mitchell into the Kitchen and sitting them down. ‘Enjoy!’

Annie sat herself down and watched them impatiently to see if they liked it. Mitchell prodded the food a bit & noticed a trail of ash come out from under the bacon. ‘It’s great Annie, really… lovely’ Mitchell said sarcastically as he realised he would be swallowing more ash than food.

‘Thank you, I know it’s a little burned but I thought you’d like it’ Annie cheerfully said

‘It’s a bit more than a little bur…’ George began to say before he got a kick from Mitchell under the table ‘God Mitchell! What was that for?!’

Mitchell didn’t even need to say anything, George just had to see the glare he was getting to be quiet and eat the rest of his breakfast. He never liked it when Mitchell gave him those death stares, plus, he shouldn’t be mean to Annie, she’d gotten really upset over the last couple of days.

It all started when Sarah, an old college friend of Annie’s, popped by their house to visit her. Having been in New Zealand for the past year she’d not heard that Annie had passed away. Annie didn't think she'd have to deal with this as she thought someone from her family would've told her first. It broke Annie's heart as they were so close, more so because she had to listen to Sarah find out whilst being in the same room as her. She was more upset she couldn't see her to explain, it would've freaked her out, she just had to hear Sarah fall apart, hiding in the Kitchin.

It was a late afternoon and Mitchell had come back from his shift at the hospital whereas George had a few more hours left to go. He’d just got himself a beer out of the fridge when there was a knock at the door.

‘Who is it?!’ Annie asked appearing by the side of the door, making Mitchell jump. ‘Jesus, can you stop that! You scared me half to death!’ To which Annie gave a bemused look. ‘Oh you know what I mean.’ He said giving half a smile before opening the door.

‘Hello..?’ He asked
‘Oh. Err, Hiya... You’re not Owen?’ She asked, ‘Oh well, thank god, has Annie chucked him? Waste of time he was, I told her before I left for New Zealand he was trouble so I’m glad she got rid. Besides, you’re farr more attractive.’ She said with a smirk.

Mitchell had a blank look on his face ‘What? Err...I’ll just get Annie for you’ when as he turned to look at Annie she was sitting on the floor, face staring into space and she was almost close to tears. Mitchell let Sarah come in after asking her who she was.

‘Oh sorry, I’m Sarah I went to college with Annie but I’ve been on a gap year to New Zealand, just got back today so thought I’d pop in and see her before I head back London.’ She said

Then it all fell into place and Mitchell knew she didn’t know about Annie’s death. It must’ve been horrible for him to explain, horrible for Sarah to hear and even worse for Annie.

‘How are you today then Annie?’ George asked sipping a bit of his tea.

‘Good thank you George.’ Annie said giving another smile.
Before the boys headed off for work Annie reminded them to get sweets for tonight.

‘Why? What’s tonight?’ George asked
‘Don’t tell me a werewolf and a vampire don’t know?!’ Annie asked confused to which she got two more blank stares from Mitchell and George.

‘Oh god’ Mitchell said as he opened the door to see three children walk past on their way to school, obviously for a non-school uniform day. One was wearing a full on Dracula costume, fangs, cloak, fake blood the lot. The other had a fluffy wolf costume on with added snout and large teeth and the third one had a white sheet covering them with only two little white holes for eyes.

‘Happy Halloween!’ They all cheered as they passed Mitchell, Annie and George standing in the doorway. ‘Happy Halloween!’ Annie shouted back waving ‘Great costumes guys!’ George walked to the car mumbling under his breath ‘Please tell me I don’t like that, I’d hate to think I look the wolf from the three little pigs.’ Whilst Mitchell rolled his eyes before looking at his outfit choice for the day; Jeans and a black tee and looking ever so slightly disappointed.

fanfiction, television: being human

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