TAS Farewell (Part 1)

Aug 20, 2008 02:38

  Fifteen-August, Friday.

We had our Farewell party over at the basketball court in TAS. It was the day where we celebrated our last day for traveling all the way to Sentosa early in the morning for classes. No more of wearing business suits into Sentosa Island. Come to think of it, the place was a pretty nice place, throughout that one semester, we pretty much got to know more friends in our new class, and slowly but surely acknowledging the faces of the LRM students.

So I missed the first part as I was late, over-slept and everything. Heard it was some sort of video, but never-mind that, I was in time for the performance. Will keep this post short, so updates will be done under the cut :)

Image heavy.

I definitely enjoyed myself during the performance, because well, they were more or less put up by friends I hang out with.

The band that was formed in like 1.5 weeks.

Lay & Chanel as the singers, great as usual.
Chanel gave her solo on Pieces, which was pretty well-done.
With some duet here and there.

Jeff, the bassist :D

DATE, who passed his BTT today!
Senghoe the guitarist.

Max, guitarist - really good at it.

Weechew, the drummer.

During the performance, mind the retarded expressions.
Half of the group there cheering the band on.

Okay, so they had a blast. Great songs, encore etc.
The best was the ending song, Only One.
Everyone was going in circles and everything, jumping up and down.

Then after the band was done, it was over to hop&dance to a mix by Jamie.
Joan Ho was extremely high, everyone were pretty amazed with her dancing and everything, cause she's always prep and proper in class - since she is the lecturer. She was really enjoying the night with us. Extremely sporting!

Peishi and Keiths the dancer

Sharlene love.

Brandon and Peishi
super retarded as usual :D

Brandon, the one forever asking me "Sheryl, can I carry you up?"
His first attempt caught on camera.

Part of the group I hang out with in TAS for the last semester.

They are a serious lovely bunch of people to hang out with,
great friends I've made, disputes were common, bitching was never a rare sight,
but thank God for them.


After the farewell, it was a drinking session with 15 other peeps.
Our initial plan was to drink over at Haji Lane, but we changed it over to City Hall.
Got our drinks over at the 7-11 nearby and headed to this really peaceful place, "The Memorial Hall".

It was the first night when I had drinks with them,
played a few games, screaming around and one by one people went down.
Zhirong & Weechew were the first to fall.

Weechew constantly asking for a cigarette, where Ben Peh happily offered him one.
Where Zhirong & Peishi violently objected. Funny scene.

So the night continued..

Ben Peh & the girlfriend

Eunice and Peishi
The gossip girls for the night.

plus Ismail


Weechew - super drunk with Brandon

Jeff, who was trying so hard to act sober.

Chanel, drunk too.

I was down too.

So many funny things happened during the night, like how we had to walk all the way to Esplanade for their toilets. I was screaming here and there, I saw the video Brandon took and it was hilarious, I find myself such an irritant too. My voice was such a high-pitch when I was drunk, haha. Was feeling pretty bad and Brandon was mostly the one who piggy backed me all the way back from the toilet back to the memorial. So over the night, one left after another, Adam and Brandon were the two main people taking care of both Chanel and I. Thanks, seriously.

At the end of the day, we were left with 6 people.
1 down, 2 down, 3 - 4 - 5 -6

Okay, we ended up sleeping outside this area in Funan waiting for the midnight charge to end.
Shared the cab back with Jamie in the morning.

Will update with more pictures when I get them from Sharlene, Lay and Jeff.

Funny picture.
Our Glorious Dead.

tas, clique, farewell

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