A smattering of things

Nov 11, 2011 19:57

First of all, thanks to those who sent v-gifts or PMed the past couple of days. I really appreciate it. <3

I wanted to post a pimp for an all-fandom gifting comm focusing on granting little requests. It looks promising. I've never participated, but I think I will this year, Hopefully others on my flist will, as well.

Also, since we're pimping things, allow me to remind you about leverage_bingo, a multi-media comm dedicated to Leverage, as well as RPF. Card sign-ups are coming at the end of November, and the challenge period lasts from January to June. Lots of time to post those Leverage icons, fics, picspams, vids, meta, and other stuff. Pretty low-pressure, really.

Also, I have some MEME responses to share. Here's the meme, if you want to play:

Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you, They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

CHRISTIAN KANE: You all may have noticed that I seem to like Christian Kane a bit. :) He's a talented actor and musician, and as far as male celebrities go, he really does it for me. He's sexy, he's masculine, he's slashable. I just love him. And I'm a Scorpio, and Christian is a Cancer--highly compatible signs. Astrology has decreed that we're made for each other, lol.

Writing: Well, I started writing when I could hold a pen and form semi-coherent thoughts. My first brush with writing "fame" was in the first grade when I wrote a story about a boy named Pedro and his toy fire truck (Actually, Pedro was a boy in my class named Bryan. Pedro suited him better, so I took artistic liberties and changed his name.). My teacher was so impressed that she insisted on making a copy of the story to keep, and she encouraged me to continue writing. I did continue writing, and now, I don't know how I'd function if I didn't have the written word.

Stargate: This franchise got me through college and grad school. On nights where I was knee-deep in cultural theory or research, it was a welcome refuge for my fact-addled mind, a way to decompress and take a step back from academia. I made some amazing friends through the first two series, and I still get nostalgic when I think hear "Who'll Stop the Rain."

Music: My parents gifted me with an appreciation for all kinds of music. I remember walking into the family room and seeing my dad dancing around to Latino music, and I remember having my little friends over to listen to Pink Floyd and Jimmy Buffet. My mom's side of the family gave me an intense appreciation for country music and bluegrass, not just as genres, but the musicians themselves. Even as a kid, I paid attention to liner notes and musicians listed on individual tracks. My uncle Virgil was a bluegrass fiddle player for years. I still love looking at his band photos and stuff. I was in a band in high school. My parents were always indulgent when it came to instruments. When I said wanted to play guitar, they got me one. When I said I wanted to play keyboard, they got me one. When I said I wanted to play drums, they sighed and bought me drumsticks. I was in the marching band, the choir, I sang at church. Yeah, music is ingrained into who I am the way writing is...

Eliot/Sophie: This is a couple I've grown progressively more fond of over the months. As much as I love Eliot with other people, there's just something about the dynamic between these two that appeals to me. They're both the most professional and seasoned people on the team, and they could bring a level of maturity and mutual understanding to the table that I think other pairings might not give them. Plus, they're sexy!

Nate Ford: I've loved Timothy Hutton for years, and he has brought so much life to this character. I love that he's brilliant, dysfunctional, and not necessarily the nicest guy in the world. Some people complain that the show has made Nate a bastard. No, Nate has always BEEN a bastard. And that's the way I love him.

Teaching I do love it, even though I get frustrated with the level of apathy I see in students nowadays. I have some really exceptional people in my classes, and they make it worthwhile. I've been told by students that they came to my class hating history and left wanting to take another history class with me, because I make it so much fun. That, to me, is one of the best compliments ever.

Team Hitter: I love my team, and I love my leverageland! I have some great fellow Hitters, and I just love the fact that we all share love for the same show and the same great character. :D

'Shipping: Oh, I am such a multi-shipper! For every fandom in which I'm invested, I seem to have a list of fandoms as long as my arm. My favorite ships right now include Nate/Eliot, Eliot/Sophie, Eliot/Parker, Nate/Eliot/Sophie, Eliot/Hardison, Christian/Steve, Dean/Impala (WHAT?), Cap/Tony, and many more. Oddly enough, I don't ship much for SPN... If anyone is wondering (and I'm sure you're all losing sleep because you don't know this), the first ships I can remember shipping hardcore are Han/Leia (Star Wars) and Mike/Martin (V: The Miniseries).

Cary Grant: I love old black and white films more than most people my age. I was raised on them. Arsenic and Old Lace remains one of my favorite films of all time. And does anyone remember this leverageland recasting project? That's right. Cary Grant was my Nate. :)

CSI: This was a big fandom for me. I used to be a mod over at Talk CSI--the dreaded Shipping Forum. I still have people on my flist who knew me from there. *group hug*

Lindsey McDonald: One of the most woefully underused characters in Whedonverse. Seriously, he had so much potential, and it makes me a sad panda that they didn't tap into that more. Of course, that's what we have fanfic for, I guess. Speaking of Lindsey, I need to get myself together and write another Lindsey backstory fic.

BigBang: I survived my first two big bangs! And I've gotta tell you, I can't wait for another one. :D I've already got story ideas. I have one fic that I'll undoubtedly post before an RPF-flavored big bang sign-ups materialize. It's Chris/Steve, and I've already got quite a lot of it done. Overall, though, I had a good experience. I haven't decided whether I'm doing the Leverage Reverse Big Bang or not. I'm still waiting to see how it works.

Steve Carlson: I love his music, and I love his general presence in interviews and the like. Even though I prefer Christian physically, I find myself writing a lot from Steve's perspective. I'm not sure why, but I've heard others say the same thing. One of the best things ever is a video I'm too lazy to pull up where Christian wanders off stage during "One More Shot" and makes Steve sing it. Damn, that man has a voice. He's a great balance musically for Christian. Their combined talent is scary.

Eliot/Nate: This is as close as I have to a OTP for Leverage. I love the dynamic between the characters. Eliot defers to Nate's judgement most of the time, but he can and often does stand as his equal. I really hope the writers are going to follow up on the issues between them in the second half of the season. It was getting JUICY there for a while, but it kind of slipped into the background. I want me some Nate/Eliot tension! So I can interpret it in a slashy way!

If you made it this far, here is a reward. I am digging his version SO MUCH.

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videos, music, tv: angel, tv: leverage, rl: teaching, rl: family, i should have a whedon tag, memes

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