I can cross another thing off my list

Sep 08, 2011 18:14

I have a new Kink Bingo card. Any ideas? They can be fic fills, icons fills, etc. Also, anyone who wants a card, you have until September 30 to get one, then amnesty starts.

I'm not sure what to do with "humiliation: situational." My one thought is that Nate could play head games with Eliot during a con. Or maybe it could have to do with a costume or persona Eliot has to adopt during a con. Or maybe Eliot is put into an embarrassing situation, and the team can hear it happening via comms.

Gags just sounds like Eliot and Hardison. Heh.

Food is just tailor-made for Eliot and whomever I choose. :D Or Chris and Steve.

ALSO. For "bodily secretions:" Come at me with every male character you can think of who has cried (and cried well--I want something endearing)--on TV. I think I'm going to do an icon set. I need actual, visible tears. I've already got Dean Winchester on the list, lol.


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